Permission Numbers
What are permission numbers (Add codes)?
Permission numbers are needed to get into courses that have restricted enrollment.There are some specific reasons why you may need permission codes:
- Your final official transcripts with grades for course pre-requisites are not yet in Oasis
- The department has placed "instructor consent" or "department consent" on a course.
- A faculty member has given you approval to enroll in a course during the 2nd week of the semester.
Whom do I email to request a permission number?
Find the course subject from the list below, and email the corresponding person/department to request a permission number They will typically respond within 1-2 business days. Make sure you include this information in your email:
- Your name and student ID), your major, and the class number and section (ex. HCOM 312-01 where "01" is the section number)
AGPS | carmramirez | |
ASL | wlc | |
BIO | aricher | |
BUS | Last Names A-L: kecollins Last Names M-Z erverduzco |
CAD | hwainscoat | |
CART | jbenge (Please fill out the CART permission number request form) | |
CHEM | shanderson | |
CHHS | hbrearton | |
CD | nbolanos | |
CS | vanlopez For CS online degree completion: kayrolicheck) |
ED | | |
ENSTU | carmramirez | |
ENVS | shanderson | |
FYS | memaciel | |
GEOL | shanderson | |
GS | shanderson | |
HCOM | wrutledge | |
HDFS | human_development | |
HOSP | kecollins | |
IST | n/a | |
ITAL | wlc | |
JAPN | wlc | |
KIN | uborg | |
LING | liberal_studies | |
LS | liberal_studies | |
MAE | jeharris | |
MATH | jessiherrera | |
MLML | | |
MPA | shanderson | |
MSCI | maustin | |
NURS | n/a | |
PANM | hbrearton | |
PH | hbrearton | |
PHYS | shanderson | |
PSY | Fill out PSY permission number request form | |
RSCH | uroc | |
SBS | shanderson | |
SL | pmotoike for permission numbers for College Corps |
SOC | shanderson | |
SPAN | wlc (Please completee the Spanish Placement exam before requesting a permission number for a SPAN course. The test takes 20-30 minutes to complete and will show which the appropriate level of Spanish. | |
SPED | dmoitoso | |
SPSY | dmoitoso | |
STAT | shanderson | |
SW | hbrearton (undergraduate only), vhgonzales (graduate only) |
VPA | nbolanos | |
WLC | wlc |
How do I use a permission number?
Oasis guide to using permission numbers How to use a permission number quick-start pdf