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College of Business

Agribusiness Club

The Agribusiness Club is open to CSUMB students from all majors.

Club Advisor

Follow us on Facebook @csumbagribusiness

Agribusiness Club Speaker Series

We host speakers from the Agribusiness Industry throughout the academic year. These events are open to all CSUMB students as well as students from regional community colleges and the general public (view events on Instagram @csumbagribusiness).

CSUMB students can view upcoming events on MyRaft. (View past events here.)

We work together to develop and implement the most enlightened, comprehensive, progressive and transparent communication and information program dealing with the application of pesticides around schools. Nobody else in the world (that I’m aware of) is doing what we’re doing here. Jim Bogart, president of the Growers-Shipper Association of Central California

March 29, 2018 - The CSUMB Agribusiness Club hosted a guest speaker event on campus. The Club invited Mr. James Bogart and Mr. Cesar Lara to present on "Management and Labor Organizations". Mr. Bogart is the president of the Grower-Shipper Association and Mr. Lara is the executive director of the AFL-CIO Workers Union for the Central Coast. The meeting attendees included club members, CSUMB students from a variety of majors, and a group of high school students from Everett Alvarez High School in Salinas.

Agribusiness Club students & faculty advisors with James Bogart and Cesar Lara.
Agribusiness Club Students & faculty advisors pose with speakers.

Mr. Bogart and Mr. Lara addressed a number of local labor issues in agriculture, which included housing, wages, and the growing labor shortage of agricultural workers in the Salinas Valley.

Three specific areas of focus are currently immigration reform, farmworker housing, and farmworker & community safety.

James Bogart explained, "We work together, along with the Monterey County Agricultural Commissioner, to develop and implement the most enlightened, comprehensive, progressive and transparent communication and information program dealing with the application of pesticides around schools. Nobody else in the world (that I’m aware of) is doing what we’re doing here. Very proud of this accomplishment."

Agribusiness Club News

Restorative Ranching

See the Quintuple Bottom Line in Action! Hear from ranchers & entrepreneurs, a Scientist about what local responsible businesses are doing to protect the environment as they provide local food and jobs.

Agribusiness Speaker Series: RDO Equipment Co

The Agribusiness Club will have guest speaker Frank Garcia, former Account Manager of RDO Equipment Co. He has multifaceted expertise in large scale conventional and organic vegetable agriculture.

Agribusiness Club Speaker Series: Monterey Mushrooms

The Agribusiness Club will have guest speaker Juana Gomez the Corporate Director of Human Resources at Monterey Mushrooms. It is an exciting opportunity for all club members to learn about career opportunities, career tips, and much more.

Agribusiness Club Speaker Series: Robert Kasavan-Kasavan Marketing

This event is in collaboration with Hartnell College's Ag Business and Technology program, guest speaker Robert Kasavan, former president of Kasavan Marketing, will be joining host Professor Nicholas Pasculli of Hartnell College.

Agribusiness Club Speaker Series: Women in the Business Industry

Exclusive speaker series with Jackie Vazquez (Director of Operations) from Sundance Berry Farms, Elizabeth Mosqueda (Asst. Prof. Plant Scientist) from College of Science CSUMB, and Katie Fish ( Ranch Accountant) from Ippolito International.