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College of Business

Business Administration

Sustainable Produce Summit 2020: Sustainability Unmasked

Sept 22-24, 2020: The 2020 Sustainable Produce Summit: Sustainability Unmasked, produced by The Farm Journal, is a unique and inspiring experience focused entirely on sustainability in the fresh food industry. This inaugural event featured a virtual exhibit hall where produce leaders displayed innovative and inspiring sustainable solutions for harvesting, packaging, and logistics. The goal of the event was to empower, enable, and equip the fresh food industry to grow fresh produce in a way that promotes environmental stewardship and enhances the quality of life in our communities.

Over the course of three days, live virtual networking events and education sessions provided in-depth information on the issues and challenges facing the fresh food industry at every level of distribution.

The theme for day one was "Environmental," kicking off with a keynote by Emilio Tenuta from Ecolab, entitled, "Planting the seeds: How smart water and climate practices foster resilience and growth." An industry leaders panel focusing on The Future of Sustainable Agribusiness featured CSUMB College of Business Dean, Dr. Shyam Kamath, along with Rod Braga of Braga Ranch, Bruse Taylor of Taylor Farms, David Rosenberg of Aerofarms, and Kevin Murphy, consultant and former CEO of Driscolls Berries.

The Future of Sustainable Agribusiness panel.
The Future of Sustainable Agribusiness panel

Day two's theme was "Consumer," with a presentation by Kari Armbruster on "Korger's Ambitious Journey to Zero Hunger Zero Waste." Day three focused on "Social," with Ryan Shadrick Wilson, Chairperson of Feeding Change, speaking on a "Vision for a Healthier America." (2020 Sustainable Produce Summit: "Sustainability Unmasked" Agenda)

The College of Business at CSU Monterey Bay hosted a virtual booth that showcased the Agribusiness concentration and Supply Chain Management-focused curriculum. Visitors were greeted by an introductory video followed by an invitation to chat with booth representatives, Dr. Shyam Kamath and Clarisa Avila, Director of Development for the College of Business.

CSUMB College of Business virtual booth at 2020 Sustainable Produce Summit

For more information on CSUMB's College of Business Agribusiness concentration, please visit