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College of Business

Business Administration

Information Systems Concentration

Are you interested in digital marketing, social media, and data analysis? This concentration prepares students to analyze and address the information and technology needs of an enterprise and create IS solutions to meet the operational and strategic goals of the organization. Students design and build efficient and effective information systems solutions, integrating them with other business functions throughout organizations. 

Information Systems students working in the computer lab



Why CSUMB is the Right Choice for Information Systems

Careers in IS

  • Business Analyst
  • Data Analyst
  • Database Analyst
  • Database Manager/Administrator
  • Information Systems Application Developer
  • Information Systems Manager
  • Information Systems Planner
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Network Analyst
  • Product Development Manager
  • Project Manager/Supervisor
  • Risk Analyst
  • Social Media Analyst
  • Social Media Marketing Manager
  • Software Support Technician
  • Technical Sales Representative
  • Technology Consultant
  • Web Analyst
  • Web Designer/Web Master
  • Web Marketing Manager

IS Organizations and Associations:

Available Internships Opportunities

All students are invited to apply for internship opportunities available through the College of Business. Internships may be completed without also earning academic credit.

Information Systems Faculty Lead(s) / Business Dept. Chair

Dr. Babita Gupta

Babita Gupta, Ph.D. Professor of Information Systems


Leslie Boni

Leslie Boni, Ph.D. Professor and Business Department Chair
