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College of Business

College of Business Events

Diamond Key Professional Development Program

The Diamond Key Program is part of the College of Business Accelerated Career Exploration for Student Success (ACCESS) umbrella.

This innovative, professional development program complements the College of Business curriculum by building the business knowledge and skills necessary for professional success.

Earn Diamond Key credit by attending workshops & events!

  • This innovative, four-year program complements the College of Business curriculum and builds the additional skills necessary for professional success. It is a set of comprehensive experiences, delivered by business experts, strategically woven into the academic curriculum. You will develop poise and confidence, and prepare for real-world challenges.

    How do I earn keys?

    Keys are earned by attending Diamond Key Program workshops or events. Those finishing will be awarded a certificate of accomplishment and a transcript summarizing all workshops and events completed. This will be a strong addition to your resume.

    How do I get started

    You can start at any time! Diamond Key is available to all College of Business undergraduates and everyone will be urged to participate. Various workshops or conferences will earn a different number of keys, depending on the length or complexity of the event. Contact Susan Szasz ( to get started.

    How does it work?

    Over the course of four years, you will have the opportunity to earn 50 “keys” to success. At 50 keys, you will receive a certificate acknowledging your achievement, and one that will boost your resume power.

    You can reach the superior Diamond Key Level by earning 75 keys. At the 75 key level, you will be awarded a memento to be worn at commencement. To earn keys, you must complete the required workshops or training sessions.

    Only a few driven students will reach the Platinum Key Level, earning 100 keys. To earn keys, you must complete the required workshops or training sessions.

    You can achieve these this by attending workshops, events, or experiences.

    Diamond Key Workshop Topics:


    • Business Etiquette
    • Dress for Success
    • Dinner Formalities
    • Internship Basics
    • Job Search Strategies
    • Networking
    • Personal Branding
    • Social Media Tools
    • Public Speaking
    • Presentation Skills


    • Conferences
    • Other developmental events sponsored by the College of Business (as identified on the Diamond key and COB Flyers)


    • Internships
    • Study Abroad Opportunities
    • Start Up Weekend

Golden key level

  • Native CSUMB Students: 50 keys
  • Transfer Students: 25 Keys

Diamond key level

  • Native CSUMB Students: 75 keys
  • Transfer Students: 35 Keys
  • 2022-23 Academic Year

    9/14/22 – Virtual Otter Raft

    9/19/22 – Diamond Key Workshop: Careers in Financial Services - on campus and online!

    9/22/22 – Accounting Networking Event

    10/3/22 – Hayashi Wayland Mixer - for Accounting and Finance Concentration students

    10/10/22 –  Hanna Rogge, Senior Wealth Manager at  Monterey Private Wealth hosted by the Accounting Society 

    10/12/22 – Virtual Otter Raft!

    10/20/22 –  Concentration Information Panel hosted by The Business Club

    10/24/22 – Greater Vision and Cultivating Talent & Harvesting Leaders Career Fair

    10/26/22 – Virtual Otter Raft!

    11/9/22 – Virtual Otter Raft!

    12/6/22 – Pizza with Professors

    12/7/22 – Virtual Otter Raft!

    2021-22 Academic Year

    5/4/22 – Diamond Key Workshop: Create Your Professional Resume

    3/2/22 – NEST Flight 2021 – Career Development Conference

    I2/24/21 – Diamond Key Workshop: Getting Your Dream Job (Part II)

    2020-21 Academic Year

    5/5/21 – Diamond Key Workshop – Become A Linkedin All-Star Series (Part 5)

    5/4/21 – Diamond Key Workshop: Create Your Professional Resume

    4/15/21 – Diamond Key Workshop – Networking Through Linkedin

    4/7/21 – Diamond Key Workshop – Become A Linkedin All-Star Series (Part 4)

    3/16/21 – CSUMB Student Job Information Fair

    3/11/21 – Diamond Key Workshop – Become A Linkedin All-Star Series (Part 3)

    3/9/21 – Diamond Key Workshop – Why Get an M.B.A?

    2/18/21 – Diamond Key Workshop – Become A Linkedin All-Star Series (Part 2)

    2/16/21 – Career Gateway: County of Monterey Internship Program Info Session

    2/11/21 – Diamond Key Workshop – Dole 2021: Powering You

    2/10/21 – Diamond Key Workshop – Become A Linkedin All-Star Series (Part 1)

    2/6/21 – Diamond Key Workshop: Get An Internship!

    2/4/21 – Diamond Key Workshop: Finding Your Dream Job (Part I)

    2/3/21 – Diamond Key Workshop: Create Your Professional Resume

    12/9/20 – Diamond Key Workshop: Make Linkedin Work for You

    12/3/20 - Diamond Key Event: Nate Cameron – Manager, Producer, Musician, Businessman

    12/3/20 – Diamond Key Workshop: Create Your ePortfolio

    11/12/20 – Restorative Ranching

    10/29/20 – Info Session on Target’s Internships & Full-time roles

    10/22/20 – Diamond Key Workshop: Giving & Receiving Feedback

    10/21/20 – Diamond Key Workshop: How to Succeed in Internships

    10/15/20 – Diamond Key Workshop: Building your Personal Brand

    10/14/20 – Diamond Key Workshop: Careers in Financial Services

    10/8/20 – Diamond Key Workshop: Setting yourself up for success

    10/2/20 – Applying for a job during Covid-19

    2019-20 Academic Year

    5/14/20 – LinkedIn Workshop #2: Take Your LinkedIn to the Next Level

    5/7/20 – LinkedIn Workshop #1: Make LinkedIn Work for You

    4/27/20 – Diamond Key Workshop: Build A Winning Resumé

    4/22/20 – Diamond Key Workshop: Opportunities In A Crisis

    2/25/20 – Diamond Key Workshop: LinkedIn Part 2 - Take Your LinkedIn to the Next Level

    3/2/20 – Diamond Key Workshop: LinkedIn Part 2 - Take Your LinkedIn to the Next Level

    2/19/20 – Diamond Key Workshop: LinkedIn Part 1 - Make LinkedIn Work for You

    12/4/19 – Diamond Key Workshop: De-Stress Event

    11/19/19 – Diamond Key Workshop: Create Your Elevator Pitch

    11/13/19 – Diamond Key Workshop: Making TEAMS Work

    11/6/19 – Diamond Key Workshop: Creating the 21st Century Business Powerhouse

    10/7/19 – Diamond Key Workshop: Careers in Financial Services

    9/16/19 – Diamond Key Workshop: Make LinkedIn Work for You

    CONGRATULATIONS to the 2019-20 Diamond Key Award Recipients!

    Jaskiart (Jessica) Bhardwaj, Jennifer Jaimes, Marlen Magana-Rangel, Sheetal Nand, Kimiko Vaughan, Danifroy (DZ) Zarate

    2018-19 Academic Year

    4/29/19 – College of Business Spring Student-Faculty Mixer

    4/22/19 – Diamond Key Workshop: Continuous Improvement by Kelly O'Brien

    4/18/19 – Diamond Key Workshop: All About Business Concentrations Panel Discussion

    4/8/19 – Diamond Key Workshop: Get Your Professional Headshot & Pizza! Presented by the Human Resources Club
    3/26/19 – Diamond Key Workshop: Polish your LinkedIn profile

    10/22/18 – Diamond Key Workshop: Careers in Financial Services

    10/30/18 – Diamond Key Workshop: Why Female Leadership is Key to High Performance

    10/8/18 – Speed Feedback - Practice your interviewing skills and get feedback from HR and business professionals. Don't miss this invaluable workshop!

    8/24/18 – Pizza with Professors by the Business Club and Diamond Key Program 

    2017-18 Academic Year

    May 1, 2018: 4-6pm

    Doers - The Vital Few Who Get Things Done - Tom E. Jones, author and COB faculty member, presents on what "doers" DO that makes them so valuable and how you can become a "doer".

    April 23, 2018: 12-2pm

    Millennials Entering the Workplace - Bettye Saxon, VP AT&T External Affairs on job search strategies.

    April 16, 2018: 12-2pm

    Presentation by Andy Berndt, VP at Google, on how to use creativity as a competitive edge.

    March 29, 2018: 6pm-8pm

    Do Your Own Taxes: Income Tax Preparation for Students - David Lopez, COO of Latino Tax Professionals, gives students a tutorial on filing their own income tax return.

    March 26, 2018: 6pm-8pm

    Speed Feedback - Lesley Everett's 3rd and final workshop on personal branding. Students received feedback from HR professionals on interviewing, resume, and LinkedIn in 5-minute sessions.

    February 19, 2018: 6pm-8pm

    Managing Your Personal Brand Online - Part 2 of the Personal Branding Workshop series with branding expert and author, Lesley Everett

    November 13, 2017: 4pm-5:45pm

    How using Robert's Rules creates a fair and constructive meeting. What the rules are and how they are used in meetings. How to use the process to improve your team meetings and what to expect in high-level committee or board meeting.

    October 24, 2017: 6pm-8pm

    Diamond Key Program - Building Your Professional Brand - Part 1 of the Personal Branding Workshop series, presented by Lesley Everett

    October 12, 2017: 6pm-8pm

    What is stock? What is the Dow or is it the Tao? Intelligent investing: risk vs returns. Mutual funds, ETF's, or individual stocks- which is better? How to maximize savings and investments.

    October 2, 2017: 12pm-2pm

    How to network, Power of linkedIn, Informational Interviewing, CSUMB resources, Presented by Mr. Alfred Budris & Ms. Susan Szasz

    September 25, 2017: 12pm-2pm

    Get Tech Ready! The Tech Skills You NEED as a Non-tech Professional, Presented by Dr. Shwadhin Sharma

    2016-17 Academic Year

    February 7, 2017: 12 pm — 2 pm

    Podcasting for the Rest of Us: How to get started recording, producing, and distributing your message or your music Presented by: Ms. Kelly O'Brien

    February 27, 2017: 12pm - 2 pm

    Igniting Your True Purpose and Passion: A Businesslike Guide to Fulfill Your Professional Goals and Personal Dreams. Presented by Mr. Robert Michael Fried

    March 13, 2017: 12pm-2pm

    Why Isn't "Rainmaker" on the Syllabus?: The Important Role of Sales in Organizations, Presented by Mr. David Bethea

    April 4, 2017: 6pm-8pm

    Millennials Entering the Workplace: Uncovering Your Unique Self, Presented by Ms. Bettye Saxon

    April 10, 2017: 12pm-2pm

    Networking: Practice Over Hors D'oeuvres with COB Faculty., Presented by Mr. Al Budris

    April 24, 2017: 12pm-2pm

    Write Like A Corporate Professional: Improve your Professional Writing Skills, Presented by Ms. Susan Szasz

    2015-16 Academic Year

    May 5, 2016, 6-8 PM

    GET READY TO GET RICH! Financial Strategies for College Students and graduates Presented by Wells Fargo

    Apr. 25 2016, 12-2 PM

    Executing Powerful and Effective Presentations, Presenter: Al Martin

    Apr. 12 2016, 6-8pm

    Outclass the Competition: Confidence and Poise to Navigate Professional Situations Presenter: Cass Antle

    Apr. 11 2016, 12-2 PM

    Meet Your Professors - for Business Majors & Minors. This is a great opportunity to get acquainted with your professors and ask questions about classes, majors, etc. There will be free pizza, fun activities and a chance to win a Starbucks gift card. Hosted by the CSUMB Business Club. 1 Key

    Apr. 7 2016, 6-8 pm

    Raising your EQ: Harness The Power of Emotional Intelligence! Presenter: John Avella

    Mar. 10 2016, 6-8 pm

    Write Like a Corporate Pro! Presenter: Susan Szasz

    Mar. 3 2016, 6-8pm

    Get An Internship Today! Presenter: Suzanne Kroeze

    Feb. 15 2016, 12-2pm

    Finding Your Dream Job (Through Social Media & Beyond) Presenter: Tonya Antle

    2014-15 Academic year

    February 25, 6-9pm

    High Impact Selling: Developing Outstanding Sales Skills, Presenter: Lou Panetta 3 Keys

    March 25, 6-7:30pm

    Become A Millionaire: Financial Literacy And Success In Life, Presenter: Wells Fargo Associates 2 Keys

    April 6, 6-9pm

    Developing Global Win-Win Negotiating Skills, Presenter: Dr. Shyam Kamath 3 Keys

    April 16, 6:00 - 7:30pm

    Real-World Business Etiquette: Modern Manners For Today's Business and Beyond, Presenter: Carrie Glenn 2 Keys

2018 Winners of Diamond Key Professional Development Program Awards

Photo of Diamond Key award recipients

The 2018 Award winners are (L to R) Gabrielle Cowdery, Ginger Gilliam, Jennifer Young, Kiari Young-Collie, Nathan Rossi. (Award recipients not pictured: Sarah Stangle and Salvador Ornelas-Reynoso.)

The Diamond Key award is presented to students for consistent attendance at workshops, as well as for participating in developmental experiences, such as internships, study abroad, the annual Ethics and Greater Vision Forums, and COB Career Gateway events. This innovative professional development program offered 11 powerful workshops in 2017-18. Over 1000 students have participated in Diamond Key workshops since 2015.

Andy Berndt, VP of Google Creative Labs, presented “Creativity in the Workplace: How Google Uses Creativity in Pursuit of its Mission” to a crowd of students and faculty from across CSUMB. He shared some projects his team has created, what he learned from his career journey, and his advice for students heading out into the work world: be a problem-solver. “The takeaway from this workshop was that people who can problem solve, and do it well, can really make a difference,” wrote student Joshua Atkins.

Bettye Saxon, AT&T External Affairs Regional Director, helped students identify their authentic self in her presentation “Millennials Entering the Workforce.” Students were moved by her presentation, “In the age of social media things are thrown at us daily that [have] either a positive or negative impact. This workshop helped [remind me] who I really am,” said student Autumn Giles.

President and CEO of Walking Tall and internationally recognized personal branding expert, Lesley Everett, led a three-part series on personal branding. In the fall she introduced students to the concept of a “personal brand” and helped them start to craft their own. In February, she added the element “online presence.” Finally, in March, a “Speed Feedback” workshop was held where Lesley worked one-on-one with students, providing feedback on their LinkedIn profiles. HR professionals Maxine Gullo of the City of Carmel, Kimberly Schnader of Bernardus Lodge, plus faculty members Jill Hosmer, Martha Kostas, Susan Szasz, and Tom Jones, held 5-minute interview sessions with students, giving instant feedback. In this fast-paced, feedback-rich, and fun workshop, students got the opportunity to be in the “hot seat” as well as observe other students.

I think this program sets students up for practical after-college readiness. It also allows me to go into interviews more confidently.
CSUMB Student