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Communication Across the Disciplines

Attendance Policy

Students must make best efforts attending ALL scheduled class sessions. See policy regarding attendance. Instructors will provide further details. The following is adapted from Professor J. Makau's syllabus.

The specific nature and outcomes of all writing and writing-intensive courses expect class members to participate actively in class discussions, group work, and other learning activities. Absence from a class session prevents the individual from contributing to the community's learning process. Absence also compromises the individual's ability to stay fully in tune with the community's efforts.

Under such special circumstances as family tragedies, illnesses, or jury duties, the individual is responsible for documenting the needs (a court letter attesting to the call, a signed medical note, etc.), consulting with and securing notes from classmates, as well as for completing all work required in order to get ‘up to speed' on material covered during his or her absence

It is not possible for the instructor to “replicate” the day's learning experiences. Therefore, while the instructor is available for general consultation regarding the class's scheduled activities and progress, it is important for students to avoid requesting special assistance of this type from the instructor.

Participants are expected to arrive in class on time (as late arrivals disrupt the flow of learning for the entire learning community). The learning community's success depends as well upon participants' timely and thoughtful review of required readings. All participants are expected to come to class well prepared to contribute meaningfully.

Below is an overview of assessment criteria for each student's participation and contributions:

Full Credit or Maximum Points earned: Attends all class sessions (barring extreme circumstances); arrives on time, well prepared for each session's learning experience; participates actively and meaningfully in class discussions and related learning experiences; contributes significantly to group activities; provides valuable insights throughout the semester; demonstrates respect and regard for fellow classmates; significantly contributes to fulfillment of class goals.

Half Credit or 50% of Points earned: Attends most class sessions; arrives on time, prepared for each session's learning experience; participates usually; meets minimal standards in contributing to group activities; offers insights during at least half of class sessions; demonstrates respect and regard for fellow classmates; demonstrably seeks to contribute to fulfillment of class goals.

Minimal to No Credit/Points earned: Attends class sessions irregularly; arrives on time some days; contributes irregularly to group activities; offers some thoughts; demonstrates minimal respect and regard for fellow classmates; contribute minimally to fulfillment of class goals.

Note specifically - Complete all journal entries and homework. Often, out-of-class work is required for participation on the day it is due. Submit all writing on time no exceptions.