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College of Science

Coastal and Marine Ecosystems

NSF Diverse Ocean science Community through Collaboration program (DOCC)

In consultation with CSUMB’s Office of Inclusive Excellence, the NSF Diverse Ocean science Community through Collaboration program (DOCC) aims to provide a model for how Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) and Tier 1 Research Institutions (R1s) can reframe how they collaborate and engage in research needed to address the challenges of 21st century ocean science.

DOCC will:

  1. provide training for faculty and staff at MSIs to develop competitive NSF proposals,
  2. provide training for faculty and staff at R1s on how to better engage and collaborate on proposals with faculty at MSIs, and
  3. provide a space for participants from MSIs and R1s to come together to develop novel research proposals that blend the unique strengths of both institution types and their respective communities.

DOCC prepares participants to engage in grant development that authentically considers issues around how Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) integrate into research. DOCC also trains them to approach NSF grant development through the lens of their respective institution and how to integrate the strengths of MSI and R1s into novel NSF proposals. It also supports their continued engagement after their training is complete.

Check out our flyer here

  • The 2022 DOCC program takes place May-August 2022 in two parts. Each part is designed to scaffold learning around diversity, equity, and inclusion in the ocean sciences, as well as developing grant partnerships between MSIs and R1 institutions as a means to prepare participants to attend a culminating NSF-style IDEAS lab. 

    An IDEAS lab is an intensive residential workshop focused on finding innovative and bold transdisciplinary solutions to grand challenge problems through the development of multidisciplinary collaborative proposals. It is during the IDEAS lab we hope to bring together our MSI and R1 participants to collaborate on the development of new NSF proposals. The IDEAS lab process is real-time and iterative, assisted by a team of professional facilitators and scientists with relevant expertise as impartial referees of the process (NSF, 2019).

    Part 1: Pre-Workshop Webinars (May 2022)

    • Asynchronous Webinars (available starting May 4, 2022 via Canvas):
      • Ocean Sciences: How Diverse and Inclusive are We?
      • Beyond Broader Impacts: How Diversity Advances Innovation in Ocean Science
    • Synchronous Webinars (Mid May, 2022 via Zoom):
      • Coming to Terms With Our Differences
        • For MSI participants - 9 am PT, May 10
        • For R1 participants - 1 pm PT, May 13
      • Implicit Bias in Ocean Science
        • For MSI participants - 1pm PT, May 17
        • For R1 participants - 9am PT, May 19

    Part 2: Online Workshops (Jun-Jul, 2022)

    • MSI Participant Workshop: NSF Grant Development at an MSI. Includes topics:
      • Applying for NSF Funding
      • Overcoming Imposter Syndrome in the Grant Development Process
      • Building Collaborative Networks
      • 10 am - 12 pm PT, Jun 13 & 15 via Zoom
    • R1 Participant Workshop: NSF Grant Development with MSIs, an R1 Primer. Includes topics:
      • Navigating MSIs: An Introduction for R1s
      • Engaging with MSIs
      • Moving Beyond Broader Impacts: Engaging the MSI Research Network
      • 10 am - 12 pm PT, Jun 27 & 29 via Zoom
    • Virtual Networking Event to Bring Together R1 & MSI Participants
      • 11 am PT, Jul 6 via a Virtual Networking Platform, e.g. Remo
    • Mock Grant Proposal Panel for All Participants
      • Participants are offered the opportunity to have previous grant proposal submissions reviewed by a mock panel of invited reviewers to get feedback on the overall strengths and weaknesses of previous proposals to support new proposal development during the culminating IDEAS lab
      • 10 am - 12 pm PT, Jul 19 via Zoom

    2022 DOCC IDEAS Lab

    • Aug 1-5, including travel days, in person at CSUMB*

    *Please note: Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the IDEAS lab may be shifted to virtual modality if deemed necessary for the safety of our participants and community members.

    • Access to webinars, experts, and online resources
    • Travel and lodging to attend the IDEAS lab at CSUMB
    • $175 honorarium for completing the program
    • Access to post-DOCC travel funds to support site visits for partners to meet about new proposals developed during the IDEAS lab
  • To apply for DOCC, applicants must:

    • Be tenure track faculty, professional research faculty/staff, or a senior doctoral student conducting ocean-related research and actively engaged in grant writing OR sponsored programs/project staff interested in MSI-R1 research collaborations
    • Be based at an MSI or R1 higher education institution in the U.S.
      • If your institution is both an MSI and an R1, you will be able to choose which you would most like to represent in your application
    • Be available to participate fully in the program activities listed above between May and Aug 2022
  • The 2022 NSF DOCC Program application deadline has been extended to March 21, 2022 at 11:59 pm PDT

    We encourage eligible candidates to apply. Candidate selection will be by a committee, including the project team and invited application reviewers. Emphasis is given to the ability of the applicant to convey in their statement a specific interest in broadening participation in ocean science, and willingness to learn and collaborate with other institutions' faculty and staff.

    View the requirements and guidelines below to help you prepare a strong application. There are two key parts and both parts must be completed for an applicant to be considered. If you have any questions, please email

    If you would like to prepare your application materials before beginning your application, you may preview the application form here.

    Part 1: Application Form

    Complete the 2022 DOCC application form. This form asks for Applicant Information, Contact Information, Professional Background, and Professional Interests. You will also need to have your supporting documents ready to upload at the time of submission (see below). If you need to submit an application by mail, please contact or 831-582-4188, and we will provide instructions for you.

    Part 2: Supporting Documents

    You will need two key documents to support your application:

    1. Statement of Purpose
      • Please provide a statement of purpose describing your motivation to take part in the initiative, and specific research interests and career goals as they relate to the program and improving diversity in ocean science.
      • Format: 2 pages maximum, 12-pt font, standard margins, single or double spacing will be accepted and is up to the applicant
    2. Full CV or Academic Resume

    Please upload these documents to the application form described above as PDFs. Applicants will not be considered if supporting documents are missing.

Informational Webinars for Applicants

Our informational webinars took place in February, however, if you would like to learn more about the DOCC opportunity, please feel free to review our webinar recording.

NSF logo

Funding is provided by the National Science Foundation’s Division of Ocean Sciences, Grant #2109970