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College of Business

College of Business Internships

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Internships are for any student at any time during your college experience. Internships will raise your starting salary, give you confidence, and help you choose a career that fits you.

  • Internships benefit students in numerous ways, including:

    • Engage in the real-life workforce
    • Develop professional growth
    • Establish networking skills
    • Increased work offers
    • Increased initial career satisfaction
  • The best way to secure an internship is to contact Maj-Britt Kimm.

    The College of Business Internship Program is happy to connect you with internship partners and opportunities.

    You can also check out:

  • Yes, you can continue working for your current employer and get credit for BUS 498.

    However, your internship cannot simply be handling your current employment responsibilities.

    An internship needs to provide you with new challenges, allowing you to use your skills and knowledge in new ways.

    Some companies have used this opportunity to give employees a chance to take on new management responsibilities, work in different departments, or complete valuable projects, such as developing an operations manual, or conducting an analysis of some aspect of business operations.

    Your employer needs to work with you to design the learning outcomes of your internship, mentor you during your internship, and provide evaluations of your work.

  • Any student can have an internship. However, one must be a junior or senior to earn Academic Credit.

    Consult with Maj-Britt Kimm for more information.

  • An intern can work part-time (10-20 hours) during the semester and full-time during the summer, if not enrolled in any summer courses.

    For Academic Credit, an internship must provide at least 200 hours.

  • At this time, the College of Business cannot recommend unpaid internships except in rare cases. 

  • Yes, four units.

  • See the Forms Page