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University Communications


CSUMB logo

The CSUMB logo brings together three components of the university’s broader identity: the head and paws of a sea otter, which is the CSUMB mascot; an icon of the university seal, our official stamp of authority; and the full name of the university, stacked in two lines with emphasis given to our location.

The up-front rule

The CSUMB logo (either wide or round) should be used in all official university communications — on the cover of each print publication or digital document, on the homepage, and at the start of each video or multimedia piece.

It should never be altered, recreated, typeset, flipped vertically, or flipped horizontally. Whenever possible, you should link back to to provide a pathway to a non-linear exploration of the university.

The CSUMB logo may never be altered or combined with another organization’s name or logo.

Logo usage

Color variation

Round and Wide CSUMB logo in white

The Bay Blue logo is to be used on lighter backgrounds and images that are solid enough to not compromise legibility of the logo.

Round and Wide CSUMB logo in white

The white logo is to be used on Bay Blue and images that are solid enough to not compromise the legibility of the logo.

Clear space and minimum size

CSUMB Logo Clearspace
Wide logo

The minimum clear space on all sides of the wide logo is defined as the height of the M. It should be maintained as the logo is proportionally enlarged or reduced in size. The minimum width for the wide logo on print publication is 2 inches at 300 dpi. The minimum width for the wide logo on web/digital medium is 300 pixels at 72 dpi.

Round logo

The minimum clear space on all sides of the round logo is 1/4 of its width. It should be maintained as the logo is proportionally enlarged or reduced in size. The minimum width for the round logo on print publication is 1 inch at 300 dpi. The minimum width for the round logo on web/digital is 200 pixels at 72 dpi.