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University Communications


Lockups and wordmarks

Committees, programs, units, or other areas not eligible for an endorsed logo. Nested divisible components of the university may identity documents, material, and other sites by using the university logo or an endorsed logo, and a lockup or wordmark. When using a lockup or wordmark it must appear at a significant distance from the university logo or endorsed logo so as to not appear to be incorporated or co-branded. To request an approved lock up or wordmark, submit a design request.

Community program marks

Fully externally funded community programs that serve a significantly different audience than the university and which have brand equity in a completing identity when operated by other organizations and partners may apply for a community program mark. Such marks are rarely granted and require the availability of substantial promotional budgets before they are considered. Upon approval, each community program mark is complemented with its own brand use guidelines.


An icon is a small selectable or nonselectable image representing or leading to something else in a computer's graphical user interface or on the web. The university uses the Font Awesome icon library and toolkit for icon needs.

Request an on-brand icon