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Community Engagement

Volunteer Guidelines

Community Engagement is committed to keeping student volunteers and community members safe.

Liability waivers

All student volunteers are required to complete and sign a University Liability Waiver prior to volunteering and participating in any volunteer activities. Participants 18 and under must have a waiver signed by a parent or guardian.

University Liability Waiver must be signed per each volunteer opportunity.

Student clubs, organizations, and groups are to complete and sign a Group Liability Waiver.

Student conduct and policy

Student volunteers are to adhere to CSU Standards for Student Conduct and follow CSU and University Policy during volunteer opportunities presented/promoted by the Catalyst Center, regardless if volunteer opportunity is on or off campus.

Student Conduct matters and issues will be directed to Student Engagement and Leadership Development staff and or Judicial Affairs.

Volunteer recruitment

Community Engagement promoting and advertising for volunteers does not guarantee the recruitment of volunteers.

Planning volunteer/service events

Student clubs and organizations seeking the assistance of Community Engagement in the planning and production of on or off campus service related event should refer and review the Student Activities and Leadership Development, Student Organization Handbook. Be sure to contact the Director Student Engagement & Leadership Development about your organizational event plans. Email A. Marco Dowell at to discuss community service events and to clarify the steps for approvals, including risk assessments and guidelines for safe event delivery and participation on a case by case basis. Plan early and plan to be safe!

Document your Service

Service Learning Hours are not to be reported here.

You must be logged into to access the service logs.

Group Service Log

A Group Service Log allows clubs, organizations, groups, departments, etc; to document their collective catalystcenter/volunteer hours.

Individual Service Log

An Individual Service Log allows an individual student to document their individual catalystcenter/volunteer hours.

Donation Service Log
A Donation Service Log allows clubs, organizations, groups, departments, etc; to document their philanthropic efforts such as monetary donations to charities and in-kind donations such as canned goods, clothing, and other items.


Volunteering Opportunities

The website is currently under construction. This list was last updated on March 7, 2021. 

If you have volunteering opportunities you want added to this page, contact