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Center for Student Success

Back on Track to Success

Back On Track is a program to help students with CSUMB or cumulative GPA below 2.0 access the resources and support that lead to future success and well-being.

The four "Back on Track" steps involve two meetings with your academic advisor and two meetings with your success advisor so that your success team can support your efforts to raise your GPA. 
It is important to meet with your academic advisor BEFORE the semester begins to adjust your schedule for the upcoming semester. Your success advisor will help you develop strategies for managing your workload and can connect you with resources and support programs. 

Step 1- ASAP - Prior to January 20th:Meet with your Academic Advisor  to adjust your schedule and repeat any classes as needed. If you cannot find an open appointment, please attend DROP IN ADVISING. If you are considering changing majors, you can call our office (831-582-3937) to schedule an appointment with the Academic Advisor for your new major. 

Step 2- Before February 20th: Meet with your Success Advisor to discuss success strategies, identify helpful resources and support services, and to help you connect with any additional support you may need.

Step 3- Before March 20: Schedule a follow-up appointment during March with your Success Advisor to check in so that your advising hold can be lifted and you can register on time for the next semester.

Step 4- Before April 1st : Schedule an appointment with your Academic Advisor to select classes for Fall 2024 semester (and summer if you are interested in summer classes). Registration opens in April. 

Please be sure to let your advisor know if challenges arise and you need additional support or resources to thrive at CSUMB.

If you have questions about your academic probation status, please reach out to your Academic Advisor or your Success Advisor.

*Athletes,Guardian Scholars, EOP, TRiO SSS or CAMP students will meet with their program Retention Advisor for their Back On Track Initial and Followup appointments but need to have their Academic Advisor update their Ed Plan.