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Center for Student Success


Success or Academic Advisor: What's the difference?

Your Success Advisor can help you enhance your academic skills, connect you to campus resources, increase your self-confidence, and help you discover new skills and motivation to assist you along the path to graduation. We will help you reflect on your strengths and challenges, goals and encourage self-awareness. Your meetings with a Success Advisor are part of an interactive and supportive relationship where you can discuss academic success strategies and resources relating to time management, test anxiety, note-taking, stress management, goal-setting and academic success!

How do I make or change an appointment?

Schedule via your the Advising Portal on your CSUMB Student Dashboard, or call our front desk at 831-582-3937, leave your name, student ID # and phone number and they will call you back to schedule an appointment at your convenience. You will need to schedule your appointment at least 24 hours in advance.

Does the Student Success Center work with all students?

Yes! We work with all undergraduate students, regardless of your academic standing. We encourage you to be proactive and seek assistance before you get into academic trouble!

Questions About Academic Standing and "Back On Track"