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College of Science

Research Diving Program

Underwater Faculty Research

Lindholm dive
Photo by: James Lindholm
Logan dive
Photo by: Cheryl Logan
Moore dive
Photo by: Steve Moore
Faculty Projects (with diving) Summary
Cheryl Logan Galápagos Corals: Canaries in the Coal Mine The Galápagos islands represents a good case study for understanding the future of coral reefs, given its extended history of bleaching and mass die-off. Yet some Galápagos corals have persevered and may be uniquely thermally resistant. Coral thermal tolerance was surveyed across the archipelago for the first time using a portable coral bleaching autonomous stress system, targeting location where recovery has been strongest.
James Lindholm Landscape Ecology of Fishes on Deep Walls and Reefs Surveys of the "lost reefs" between 20-40 m water depth, an understudied zone between standard SCUBA_based surveys and deeper ROV/camera sled/submersible surveys. The study couples diver-held stereo video (DOV) with traditional underwater visual census (UVC) techniques to sample fishes and invertebrates using shore-based SCUBA operations.
  Immersion! VR (CUIA) Immersion VR videos provide a virtual diving experience in the coastal waters of California's marine protected areas (MPAs) through a smart phone, computer or VR headset.
  Landscape Ecology of Nearshore Biological Communities Along the California Coast Video-based Diver Transects to Spatial Modeling. Projects analyze changes in abundance, diversity, and species composition with latitude. On-going efforts include fine-scale analyses of patterns in fish-habitat interactions within and among sites as well as inside and out of State Marine Protected Area, and spatial modeling resulting from the combination of observational data and the high-resolution topographic maps produced by the California Seafloor Mapping Project (CSMP).
  Anthropocene Research Award in Marine Conservation Project provides undergraduate marine science majors who are also research divers funding to prepare for careers related to marine conservation and management.