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College of Education

Faculty and Staff Resources

On May 22, 2019, the College of Education Policy Council approved a set of bylaws for the College of Education Curriculum Council. As these bylaws function as policy for the College, we followed the guidelines outlined in the section "Report of Action and Appeals" (Section 5) of the bylaws. These guidelines state that new policies approved by the Policy Council will be made available to all faculty and staff within one week of the action taken, for a comment period (Section 5.1.1). Upon careful review and holding the appropriate comment period, I as Dean, reviewed the Council's action and have approved the policy as drafted and approved by the Policy Council today, October 18, 2019.

Attached find the policy approved as of today, October 18, 2019. You can download a copy of the approved COE Policy by clicking on this COE By-Laws link.

I want to thank the members of the College of Education Policy Council as well as members of the College of Education College Curriculum Council.

Dr. David England

College of Education Policy Council

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