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College of Science

Environmental Science MS


Contacting potential advisors

Direct communication with potential faculty mentors is a key component of the application decision process for both PSM and Thesis applicants. We strongly encourage prospective students to visit our faculty directory and read about their areas of interest and ongoing research. Once you are familiar with their areas of specialty, please email professors to set up a time to either talk on the phone or meet with them here on campus.

A picture of Dr. Susan Alexander standing in front of a grassy field

Susan Alexander

Lab: CSUMB NASA Ames Cooperative Agreement

Research Areas

  • Ecology
  • Environmental Science
  • Ecosystem processes
Image of Liz Alter above a tidepool

Elizabeth Alter

LabThe Alter Lab

Research Areas

  • Molecular ecology and population genomics of aquatic organisms (particularly fishes and marine mammals)
  • Environmental DNA
  • Phylogenetics
Jennifer Duggan Headshot

Jennifer Duggan

Lab: Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology

Research Areas

  • Conservation biology
  • Landscape ecology
  • Animal behavior
Jose Pablo Dundore- Arias headshot

Jose Pablo Dundore-Arias

Lab: The Plant Pathology Lab

Research Areas

  • Plant pathology
  • Phytobiomes
  • Plant and soil health
Daniel Fernandez headshot

Daniel Fernandez

Lab: The Fernandez Lab

Research Areas

  • Physics
  • Sustainability and alternative energy
  • Fog water collection
Jimmy poses in front of a snow covered forest


Jimmy Guilinger

Lab: Watershed Geology Lab

Research Areas:

  • Process geomorphology in hillslope, riverine, and coastal systems; with an emphasis on disturbances related to climate change and human land use such as wildfires 
  • Sediment dynamics, terrestrial remote sensing, and geospatial analysis  
  • Watershed hydrology


Arlene Haffa and her dog on a hike

Arlene Haffa

LabThe Haffa Lab

Research Areas

  • Sustainable agriculture
  • Climate change
  • Microbial bioremediation
Alison Haupt headshot

Alison Haupt

Lab: Coastal Ecology Lab

Research Areas

  • Kelp forest ecology
  • Anthropogenic effects on marine ecosystems
  • Population connectivity
  • Conservation genetics
Nathaniel Jue headshot

Nathaniel Jue

LabGenomics & Bioinformatics Lab

Research Areas

  • Functional, evolutionary, and ecological genomics
  • Bioinformatics
James smiling while taking a selfie. He's wearing a diver's wetsuit and goggles; the goggles are on his neck.


James Lindholm 

Lab: Image Analysis Lab 

Research Areas

  • Landscape ecology of fishes
  • MPA area design and management
  • Image-based approaches to subtidal ecology
  • Research Diving
Cheryl Logan headshot

Cheryl Logan

LabEnvironmental Physiology Lab

Research Areas

  • Marine ecological physiology
  • Climate change biology
John Olson headshot

John Olson

LabWatershed Environments and Ecology Lab

Research Areas

  • Freshwater ecology
  • Water quality
  • Bioassessment
Sherry Palacios headshot

Sherry Palacios

LabBiological Oceanography Lab

Research Areas

  • Phytoplankton biodiversity
  • Meso-scale ocean features
  • Remote sensing
  • Aquatic optics
Image of Dr. Fred Watson

Fred Watson

LabThe Watson Lab

Research Areas

  • Conservation, land use, planning, and recreation
  • Ecology of plants and wildlife
  • Hydrology
  • Cartography, Geographic Information Systems, and Remote Sensing
Suzanne Worcester headshot

Suzanne Worcester

Research Areas

  • Conservation biology
  • Environmental communication
  • Restoration ecology