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Travel Booking Information

Travel is researched and booked through the CalTravelStore, the "contracted travel agency". A complete and authorized Request for Approval of Travel (RAT) is required before any money is expended. All travelers must set up their profile in Concur, the online self-booking tool provided by CalTravelStore. Your profile allows you to delegate the making of travel arrangements to assigned staff.

FYI: Booking through the contracted travel agency is intended to, on average and over time, reduce the university's overall travel costs and provide the best value to the traveler. Airline tickets purchased through the CalTravelStore use CSUMB's centralized Citibank Central Travel Account.

To set up your profile in Concur click here

For Concur Travel Training Videos, Guides and Dates click here

  • Enter the CalTRAVELstore for investigating and booking travel.

    If you need to speak to someone at CalTravel Store, see the CalTravelStore Contact Information document.

    CalTRAVEL store contact information:

    All calls should be directed to the toll free line, 1-877-454-8785.

    Calls after hours are charged a $16 service fee.

    Regular hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

    For Lodging, book directly with the hotel.

  • ​To reserve a vehicle from Enterprise for university funded travel, you may:

    ​go to Concur, the online self-booking tool provided by CalTravelStore, or

    call CalTravelStore at (877) 454-8785 on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

For discount airfare on official state business and

For Enterprise car rental vehicle pick up information