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College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

Humanities and Communication

Spring 2013 Capstones

  • Dr. John Berteaux

    This Senior Capstone Seminar is designed to encourage reflective and critical examination of social and economic justice at the local, national and global levels. For example, while some people maintain that governmental domestic welfare programs are unjust because the government has no right to tax those who are relatively well off in order to provide funds for those in need, others argue that it is unjust not to provide government aid to those who lack adequate food, clothing, and shelter. This seminar will explore these kinds of issues. How should a just society address poverty or access to health care, education, and social services? At the international level, what are the moral obligations of individuals and nations to less affluent nations? What should affluent nations do to prevent and alleviate devastating hunger, malnutrition, and poverty in developing countries? What ethical standards should individuals in affluent nations use when deciding whether to buy goods produced in international sweatshops?

    Senior projects

    • Arias, Guadalupe (Chicana/o Studies), Hunger and Mortality: How ought affluent nations deal with famine, undernourishment and malnutrition in affluent nations?”
    • Ashak, Liza (English Subject Matter Preparation), “The Effects of Multiculturalism in Literature Classes”
    • Bailey, Kristi (Pre-Law Concentration), “Peace of Mind”
    • Barry, Ariel (Journalism and Media Studies), “Yes, Mr. Eberstadt, We Are a Nation of Takers”
    • Bartley, Zachary (English Subject Matter), “A Classroom for Everyone: The Justice, Necessity, and Application of Multiculturalism in High School Literature Curricula”
    • Camacho, Silvia (Pre-Law Concentration), “Low Income Families at Vista Verde Middle School of Greenfield”
    • Center, Rachel (Journalism and Media Studies), “Revising the American Dream”
    • Collins, David (Pre-Law and Practical and Professional Ethics), “ The Power of Integrity”
    • Cortez, German Edgar (English Subject Matter Preparation), “The Need for an Empathic Curricular Model in Contemporary Education: Promoting Student’s Socio-emotional Development”
    • Dedmon, Jessica (Writing and Rhetoric), “Rights, Treatments and Mental Disorders”
    • Ebrahemi, Justin (Journalism and Media Studies), “ Sierra Club-Ventana Chapter Internship and San Jerado”
    • Eckert, Theresa (History, Oral History, and New Media), “Fairly Educated?”
    • Fleet, John Christian (Pre-Law Concentration), “Domestic Violence No More”
    • Folstad, Alex (Practical and Professional Ethics), “Equity and Justice in America’s Social Order: The Role of Mulitculturalism”
    • Garza, Erica (Creative Writing and Social Action), “(Un)Comfortable Numb: Depression and Mental Health Care in the United States”
    • Hatfield, Kari (Practical and Professional Ethics), “Bridging The Cap Between Justice and Fairness”
    • Houstan, Henry (Journalism and Media Studies), “A Pound of Flesh: A Critique of Liberal Economics”
    • Menor, Jasmine (Journalism and Media Studies), “Exploring a Powerful System through Many Eyes: A Look at Welfare”
    • Park, Adam H. (Creative Writing and Social Action), “The Appartatus”
    • Robbins, Lauren (Creative Writing and Social Action), “The Importance and Fundamental Need for Creative Writing in Public Elementary Education”
    • Sheffield, Brian (English Subject Matter Preparation), “On the Importance and Power of Poetry in a Social Context”
    • St. James, Rachel (Practical and Professional Ethics), “The Lady Justice Dilemma”
    • Villagomez, Juileta (Creative Writing and Social Action), “Tierra y Libertad: La Voz de los de Abajo”
    • Zuniga, Lucero (Pre-Law Concentration), “A Word from the Wise: Social Injustices and Ethical Dilemmas faced by Elderly Communities”
  • Dr. María Joaquina Villaseñor

    Contemporary popular media depicts “illegal” immigration as a current social problem while at the same time, it is often said that the United States is a “nation of immigrants.” Yet the phenomenon of migration is neither uniquely contemporary, nor uniquely American. Whether forced or voluntary, migrations have been ubiquitous in world history, and form an important part of what we might call the human experience. This Capstone seminar will explore theories and concepts related to migration, and will ask participants to apply these ideas to historical and cultural issues related to migration; discussions of contemporary immigration issues in the United States; and to personal, familial, and community migration stories. We will consider a variety of related questions including: How are the experiences of migration informed by nationalisms, ethnic and racial constructs, gender, and/or class? How are communities shaped by migrations, and how do migrations contribute to social transformations? What are the stories that emerge from migratory experiences? In light of these discussions, we will also consider the issue of “belonging,” examining how families and communities constitute themselves and reconstitute themselves in different places and across time.

    Senior projects

    • Acridge, Ashley Victoria (Writing and Rhetoric), “Finding the Right Fit: A Deeper Look into Belonging”
    • Allen, Anna Kristina (Practical and Professional Ethics), “The Migration to American Culture”
    • Aranda, Jamie E. (Creative Writing and Social Action), “Garza: ‘A Family Journey Into Belonging’”
    • Arriaga, Maria G. (Creative Writing and Social Action), “Growing up Mexican American: Tales of a First Generation”
    • Beas, Brenda R. (Chicano Studies), “The Voices of the Forgotten”
    • Blakely, Evander J. (English Subject Matter Preparation), “Between the Lines: Basketball and Belonging”
    • Castro, Julio C. (Pre-Law), “Sons and Daughters of the Fields”
    • Chavez, Mario Alberto (Chicano Studies), “Mexican Migration Issues Around the Borderline seen in Chicano Films”
    • Flores, José C. (Creative Writing and Social Action), “Latinos: ‘Let’s Get Educated’”
    • Freeno, Rachel (Practical and Professional Ethics), “In Search of the ‘American Dream’”
    • Garcia, Samuel Charles (Practical and Professional Ethics), “Third and Fourth Generation Mexican Americans and our Emergence into the Middle Class”
    • Gipe, Madison Hannah (Creative Writing and Social Action, English Subject Matter Preparation), “A Student’s A Student No Matter How Migrant: Dr. Seuss and Secondary Migrant Student’s Educational Needs”
    • Gonzales, Samantha M. (American Multicultural Studies), “Third Wave Magazine: Language Barrier and Third Generation Latino Identities”
    • Macari, Samatha Nicole (Literary and Film Studies), “Cultural Negotiation and the Search for Identity in The Joy Luck Club”
    • Madrigal, Ileana (Chicano Studies), “The New Braceras: Struggles of Transnational Mothers”
    • Martinez, Daniela S. (English Subject Matter Preparation), “Teaching Migrant English Language Learners: Applying the Natural Approach and Reader Response”
    • Mata, Tine R. Martinez (Creative Writing and Social Action, English Subject Matter Preparation), “What does Shakespeare Have to Do with Me?’: Inspiring Literacy through Immigrant Literature”
    • Matsu, Nursel H. (Journalism and Media Studies), “Angels of America”
    • Roberts, Akryssa L. (Creative Writing and Social Action), “Ronan’s Suitcase”
    • Salpas, Katherina J. (Pre-Law), “Environmental Refugees: Concerns with Identity and Legal Status”
    • Serrato, Hector Mora (Journalism and Media Studies), “Generaciones Apart: A Look at the Student Walkouts of East Los Angeles and the DREAMers of the Dream Act as Two Chicano Student Movements”
    • Tupper, Megan M. (Creative Writing and Social Action), “Little Luna: A Tale of Shooting Stars – Analyzing generations of assimilation through storytelling”
    • Vallejo, Denice H. (Literary and Film Studies), “Clash of Civilizations: The Confusion of Being a Second-Generation Japanese-American after Internment in John Okada’s No-No Boy”
    • Velasquez Jr., Anthony M. (Pre-Law), “Salines Futbol Academy: An Attitude For Success”
    • Wellington, Kent Lewis (Journalism and Media Studies), “Para la Ciudadanía: Migrants of the Salinas Valley”
    • Yonekura, Kathleen Nicole (Peace Studies), “Working, Smiling, and Growing with Migrant Children”
  • Dr. Cecilia O’Leary

    In this Senior Capstone Seminar students learn about the history, philosophies, contested meanings, and practices of democracy and freedom — past and present. It is an open-ended story in which democracy and freedom have been used to define a promised land, but also have become battlegrounds in which struggles over citizenship, civil and human rights have been fought on numerous fronts. The seminar’s theme will be looked at from various perspectives and students will be able to use the knowledge gained from readings and discussions to frame their Capstone project in accordance with the major’s concentrations. While the seminar’s focus will be on the United States, Capstone projects are not limited to the United States.

    Senior projects

    • Aguilar, Frankie (English Subject Matter Preparation), “How the Spirits of the American Revolutionary Era and the Information Age Shaped the Meaning of Freedom and Liberty”
    • Bahena, Benjamin (Pre-Law Concentration), “Internet and the First Amendment”
    • Brightman, Jessica (Comparative American Studies), “A New Nation Identity: Hispanic and Latino Residents Defining Self and Community”
    • Cabal, Angeli (Creative Writing and Social Action), “The Land of Milk and Honey: The Experience of a Filipina Immigrant in America”
    • Clifton, Layne M. (Literary Film Studies), “Yearning to Breathe Free: The Quest for Unalienable Rights”
    • Faith, Nora Allison (Peace Studies), “misusage: How the Media is Used to Undermine Democracy”
    • Granillo, Angelyssa (Journalism and Media Studies), “Empowering Women: Homelessness and Domestic Violence”
    • Guardino, Brittany (Literary Film Studies), “You Otter Rock the Polls: CSUMB Poll Worker Recruitment Program”
    • Hernandez, Anthony (Practical and Professional Ethics), “Present Pasts: A Family Created by War and Immigration”
    • Kelley, Patrick (Journalism and Media Studies), “Freedom and Democracy in Sport: Title IX and CSUMB”
    • LeBeouf, Zachary (Practical and Professional Ethics), “The Declaration of Designated Driving”
    • Main, Claire (Journalism and Media Studies), “Finding Freedom: Stories from the Community”
    • Nelson, Victoria (English Subject Matter Preparation), “The American Revolution Through Young Adult Fiction”
    • Ocampo, Matthew G. (Practical and Professional Ethics), “An Infringement on Freedom: Keeping America’s Skies Drone-Free”
    • Perkins, Lisa (History, Oral History, and New Media), “Twentieth Century American Folk Music: Social Action and Democratic Participation”
    • Reyes, Estefany (English Subject Matter Preparation), “From Literature to History: An Inquiry of African-American Literature in a Historical Context”
    • Silva, Vanessa (Literary Film Studies), “Growing Our Own: Building Leadership in Monterey County”
    • Smith, Christina Cordelia (Journalism and Media Studies), “Hate Speech in American Broadcasting”
    • Trejo, Silvia “Computer Literacy and What it Means to our Community”
    • Warriner, Jenna (Literary Film Studies), “Gone With the Wind: Exposing Racism Behind the Red Curtain”
  • Dr. David A. Reichard

    In 1948, the United Nations created a Universal Declaration of Human Rights which has provided a framework many have used for thinking about the issue since. Yet, where did the idea for “human rights” come from? What does it actually mean in practice? Are these rights universal? How has the meaning of such rights changed over time? How have race, class, gender, sexuality, sexual orientation, nationality and other social categories impacted those changing meanings? This seminar will explore these and other fundamental questions drawing on historical, political, social, economic, philosophical, cultural and creative perspectives and in various contexts—from the local to the global.

    Senior projects

    • Aboytes, Maricela (Comparative American Studies), “Homeless Self-Help Encampments Research Project”
    • Anderson, Antoinette (Pre-Law Concentration), “A Race Through Time”
    • Bailey, Cierra (Journalism and Media Studies), “Bailey on the Dailey: Privacy in an Open Space”
    • Barstad, Brandt (Journalism and Media Studies), The Notter
    • Butts, Jaclynn (Practical and Professional Ethics), “SlutTalk, SlutWalk, & SafeTalks”
    • Chou, Margaret (Film and Literature), “SlutWalk, SlutTalk, & SafeTalks”
    • Dannenbring, Desiree (Creative Writing and Social Action), “ Casting Stones: An Examination of Human Rights Violations in Prison”
    • Emery, Aubri (Literary Film Studies), “Native American Sovereignty: An Essential and Viable Human Right”
    • Fowler, Alex (Practical and Professional Ethics), “Jump 2 Jump”
    • Halby, Erica (Pre-Law Concentration), “Security of Person and the Second Amendment: Self-Defense as a Human Right”
    • Headly, Eric Scott (Practical and Professional Ethics), “Who Turns the Wheel of Law: Tibetan’s Nationality and the Effects of China’s Dehumanizing Liberation”
    • Howard, Kate (Practical and Professional Ethics), “The Atrocities of Human Sex Trafficking and Paths to its Resolution”
    • Jones, Christopher Leon (Literary Film Studies), “Under the Gun: Children in Combat”
    • Morse, Loren (Practical and Professional Ethics), “The Women’s War-Eliminating the Process of Female Genital Mutilation and Protecting Women’s Inherent Human Right”
    • Napoletano, Adam (Journalism and Media Studies), “SlutTalk, SlutWalk, & SafeTalks”
    • Nicholson, Brianna (Practical and Professional Ethics), “The Right to Life: Abolishing the Death Penalty”
    • Nicovich, Briana (Practical and Professional Ethics), “SlutTalk, SlutWalk & SafeTalks”
    • Oates, Jacob (Creative Writing and Social Action), “The Notter”
    • Robbins, Lauren N. (Creative Writing and Social Action), “The Importance and Fundamental Need for Creative Writing in Public Elementary Education”
    • Rodriguez, Erika (Writing and Rhetoric), “Student Perceptions of Education As a Human Right”
    • Sanders, Shardonnay (Pre-Law Concentration), “African American and Homelessness: An Ignored Epidemic”
    • Thuston, Marrin (Creative Writing and Social Action), “A Collection of Poems and Short Stories: A Violation of Rights through the Lens of Women
    • Wallace, Cailtin Ann (Women’s Studies and Writing and Rhetoric), “Half a Life, Half a Face: Acid Attacks as Vengeful Gendered Violence in Bangladesh and Pakistan”
    • Ward, Danielle (English Subject Matter Preparation), “Exploring Multicultural Adolescent Literature and Human Rights”
    • Williamson, Tyller (Pre-Law Concentration), “Healthcare Town Hall for Young Adults”