Tobacco Cessation Resources
The idea of quitting smoking can be daunting, but you don't have to go through the process alone. We've compiled a variety of campus, community, and online resources to help those who wish to adopt a nonsmoking lifestyle and enjoy the health benefits as the CSUMB campus transitions to a smoke and tobacco-free community.
If you have health insurance, you may have access to additional tobacco cessation resources through your insurance carrier. Contact your specific carrier to learn more.
Campus Health Center (CHC)
The CHC offers free quit kits to students. CHC staff are also available to discuss smoking cessation counseling and treatment options, including the use of medications as medically appropriate.
Visit the CHC in building 80 to pick up your quit kit or call us at (831) 582-3965 to schedule an appointment with a medical professional.
Personal Growth and Counseling Center (PGCC)
PGCC staff provides counseling and support for substance use and addiction. Call (831) 582-3969 to learn more or schedule an appointment.
Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula (CHOMP):
CHOMP offers a free series of smoking cessation videos on its website. Individual cessation counseling is also available for a cost, which may be covered by insurance.
American Cancer Society: Quitting information and helpful tips. (800) ACS-2345/(800) 227-2345
American Lung Association: Free comprehensive lung health assistance, information, disease counseling, and a proactive tobacco-cessation program to improve the health of individuals with lung disease. (800) LUNGUSA/(800) 586-4872
American Lung Association of California: Self-help materials, phone counseling, internet-based information, and online chat with a counselor. Free, personalized quit plan and an online support group. Helpful tips and resources, including a smoking quit line and National Cancer Institute's live help online chat. Connect to the National Cancer Institute's Live Help Online Chat smoking quitline telephone at (877) 44U-QUIT/(877) 448-7848
California Smokers Helpline: Free and confidential telephone counseling program for quitting smoking, one-on-one phone counseling, self-help materials, and a referral list of other programs. Call to see if you qualify for free nicotine patches. (800) NO-BUTTS/(800) 662-8887
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Quit tips and resources.