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College of Health Sciences and Human Services

Department of Health, Human Services and Public Policy

Information for Field Mentors on the CHHS Senior Capstone Project

What the Students are Told:

  • The Capstone Project is a community-based field project that will result in a written document and presentation. The capstone project is developed and implemented over two semesters through the CHHS 400 courses.
  • This project will represent the senior learning experience (agreed upon by student, the fieldwork mentor and faculty advisor) that will demonstrate, in a cumulative and integrated way, what you have learned at HHSPP/CSUMB.
  • It should integrate key pieces of your undergraduate learning experience in some meaningful way and make a contribution to your field placement (agency and/or clients). The project must incorporate at least three of the Major Learning Outcomes.
  • Discuss possible projects with your field mentor early on. Incorporating the Capstone Project into your field experience is required and will take some time to develop. Start talking with your mentor about ideas and possible ways to develop the Project as early as possible. Remember that your mentor must approve your final capstone proposal due at the end of the first semester.
  • A key element of the capstone process is selecting a project that your agency can use or build upon after you have gone.
  • Your project should be manageable in scope. You need not build the Sears Tower between now and the end of May (but you do need to do more than create a web page or an agency manual).

Types of Capstone Projects (suggestive, not exhaustive):

  • Needs assessment
  • Program and/or process design and implementation
  • System design or re-design and implementation
  • Assessment of programs and/or processes
  • Curriculum design and implementation
  • Health awareness and promotion campaigns
  • Public policy (i.e., legislative or regulatory) initiatives
  • Other

Ideas to Avoid:

  • Stand-alone manuals
  • Unimplemented designs
  • "Dust gatherers"