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College of Health Sciences and Human Services

Department of Health, Human Services and Public Policy

Louis Siebenmorgen Scholarship

The Louis Siebenmorgen Scholarship is the only scholarship specific to only CHHS students!  Check out the criteria here and apply via the CSUMB Scholarship website - deadline is early Spring every year.  

This scholarship was created and funded by our own CHHS Professor, Dr. Jim Raines.  Here's the story he shared that inspired this scholarship:  

Louis Siebenmorgen grew up in a first generation immigrant family where the children didn't learn English until they started school. His mother died just before his 11th birthday. His father was overwhelmed with the care of 4 young boys, so he put them into an orphanage. As usual, the two youngest were adopted right away, but the older ones were not. At 13, their education ended and they were fostered out to farm families to work for their room and board. Many of the families believed in the adage "spare the rod, spoil the child" and Louis got a reputation as a runaway. So the next farmer that took him took away his only pair of shoes, thinking this would deter him. It didn't. One cold January morning, Louis took off again without shoes. After getting frostbite on his feet, he found refuge in a church and they took him in. They helped him earn his GED credential and sent him off to a religious college that didn't charge tuition. Eventually he transferred to a university and earned his MD, but he never forgot where he came from. So he got a specialty in pediatrics and provided free health clinics to public schools. He was my only grandfather. Our family joked that he was probably the only doctor in America that never went to high school.

Thank you, Dr. Raines, for providing this means to support CHHS students!