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Student Housing and Residential Life

Room Change

Room changes are permitted for students if and when roommates are having adjustment problems and for other special circumstances. Room Change Requests open three weeks after the semester begins, and close six weeks before the end of the semester.

There is a $50 fee that will be assessed for all room changes.

Before a room change will be considered, students are expected to have made a good faith effort toward resolving the roommate situation. Please refer to our guide to Resolving Roommate Conflicts.

Roommates/suitemates are encouraged to complete and sign a written agreement at the start of each year that informally governs generally accepted behaviors in their residence (guests, cleaning, shared expenses, etc.). Nearly all roommate issues are due to lack of communication and poorly conveyed expectations despite the tensions that may be present, it is never too late to sit down with all roommates and discuss concerns. Remember, each situation is unique and resolution timelines will vary. If you are experiencing conflict with your roommate(s), please follow the suggested mediation process.

Requesting a room change DOES NOT guarantee a room change.

Room Change Process

  1. Complete the Room Change Request Application on your MyHousing Dashboard and contact your RA. You will have the opportunity to select room preferences and living preferences (i.e. bed time, cleanliness, etc).
  2. If you are requesting a room change because of difficulties with a roommate; your RA will schedule roommate mediation with you and your roommate(s). Please refer to Resolving Roommate Conflicts.
  3. The Residential Life Coordinator (RLC) of your current area ( First Year Housing, North Quad, Area 2, Prom, or East Campus) will email you to schedule a meeting to determine if a request will be approved.
  4. Once the RLC has approved your request, you will be contacted by the Housing Office to schedule a check-in based on availability and space readiness.
  5. An email will be sent to you with the details of your new assignment and any applicable information about your room change.
  6. Room changes will take place only on Fridays during the room change period.
  7. You must be checked out of your previous space by the following Monday.

Things to consider about the Room Change Process

  • Even if approved, you may not get your first choice of spaces so please be open and flexible with the process.
  • Follow the directions as outlined in the email you receive. Your email will contain the dates you need to complete the room change by and other important information regarding the process.
  • If you change your room type, please note that your charges will be adjusted accordingly.
  • Please note - Completing a room change to an area that does not require a meal plan does NOT guarantee a meal plan cancellation. For more information, please visit our meal plan change page.
  • Your RLC will reach out to you do discuss your room change.
  • No room changes will be processed the week of finals and/or during the Winter Break. Room change requests submitted during this time will be held until the beginning of the spring room change request period.