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Human Resources

Emergency Appointments

To fill short-term staffing needs due to: leave of absence, resignation, promotion, reassignment, short-term projects and or peak activity.

Options include: Casual Workers, Special Consultants, and Emergency Appointments of CSUMB Temporary Employees. These appointments do not require a search. Managers also have the option of requesting placement of Temporary Agency employees.

What initiates the process? Department inquiry

Information used for process: See related documents

Frequency/due dates: As needed

Format: Forms and Appointment Letter, if appropriate

Approvals: VP and Director of HR Operations

Send forms to: Human Resources

Estimated total time of process: 5-10 days

Emergency short-term appointments of classified or management employees

Please contact your Generalist for more information on this type of appointment.

Casual worker

For part-time, temporary or intermittent work that is non-bargaining unit work and meets the FLSA standards for non-exempt work.

After consultation with Human Resources (UP) regarding salary and duties, submit Job Action Form (JAF) to Human Resources via the Vice President. Type of Action: Casual Worker Hire.

Human Resources must receive the form at least 5 workdays prior to the effective date. The effective date is subject to change based on the date JAF is received in Human Resources , completion of background check, etc. Attach the following to the JAF:

  • Resume, salary history, and list of references to include prior supervisors and employer contact info
  • Employee Data Sheet (if not a CSUMB employee)
  • Background Check Form, Applicant Authorization and Release Form and three reference checks – for employees who are not current CSUMB staff or faculty. Because the Background Check Form includes the SSN, the casual worker faxes these forms to Human Resources at 582-3572.
  • List of non-bargaining unit work to be assigned
  • Two Reference Checks to be conducted by supervisor

Human Resources submits background check request (criminal records check, education and employment verification).

Upon clearing the background check requirement, Director of HR Operations reviews, signs and forwards to Recruitment Coordinator for processing and on boarding.

Hiring manager offers position to casual worker and confirms salary, hours, and start/end date.

Human Resources issues appointment letter and conducts a first day orientation.

Special consultant (staff)

For special staff assignments or projects of a temporary nature. The following conditions apply:

  • Work falls within Special Consultant Classification Standards.
  • Consultant must have extensive experience in the particular area for which services are required and job-related education preparation appropriate to the assignment.
  • Cannot be used for non-exempt work
  • Cannot be used to pay an employee for assignments that are part of his/her regular assignment.
  • Consultant is paid at a daily rate

If Special Consultant assignment is concurrent with employment at any CSU or auxiliary:

  • Work cannot be done on a day when the Special Consultant is being paid for regular duties
  • Other position must be exempt
  • If total workload exceeds 100%, please review Additional Employment web page. Total Workload cannot exceed 125%.

After consultation with Human Resources regarding salary, work assignment, and qualifications, submit Special Consultant Agreement after it is signed by VP and consultant.

Effective date – Human Resources must receive the form at least ten (10) workdays prior to the effective date.

The effective date is subject to change based on the date JAF is received in Human Resources, completion of background check, etc.

Include brief description of work to be performed and project deliverables.

Attach the following:

  • Resume, salary history, and list of references to include prior supervisors and employer contact info
  • Two Reference Checks to be conducted by supervisor
  • Employee Data Sheet - if not currently employed
  • Background Check Form and Applicant Authorization and Release Form – required for SC’s in sensitive positions, including those who work directly with students, (e.g. PGCC, SALD). CSU Summer Arts consultants are exempt from this requirement. Because the Background Check Form includes the SSN, the special consultant faxes these forms to Human Resources at 582-3572.

Human Resources will review and sign off on the approved SCA. Information regarding academic-related assignments can be found on the Additional Employment webpage and must be coordinated with Human Resources.

Reference: Special Consultant Guidelines (see Related Documents & Forms)

Benefits impact

Note that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) health benefits eligibility rules take effect on January 1, 2015. New hires with a timebase of at least .75 are eligible for health benefits regardless of the length of appointment.

An appointment duration of 6 months and a day is no longer required to qualify for health benefits.

In addition, hourly employees will be eligible after it has been determined that they worked an average of 130 hours per month during a 12-month look-back period, assuming they're still on active pay status after this measurement period. Eligible employees will be offered health benefits or flexcash health only; dental and vision benefits are not covered by the ACA.

Rehired CalPERS retirees are not eligible for ACA benefits.