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Student-Centeredness: Learning Engagements for the adult learner

August 21, 2023

Creating a student-centered approach for adult learners involves tailoring educational experiences to meet adult students' unique needs, preferences, and life circumstances. This approach recognizes that adults often have different motivations, responsibilities, and learning styles than traditional college-aged students. 

Here are some fundamental principles for impactful learning engagements for the adult learner:

  • Relevance to Real Life: Scenario-based learning leverages real-world scenarios to reinforce the theories and concepts taught. Encouraging discussion and exploration of real-world scenarios enables adult learners to relate the content to their lives.
  • Purposeful Learning. The adult learner must answer the 'why' of a learning engagement. The facilitator must demonstrate why the training is of value and how it can support the learner's growth and development. 
  • Active and Experiential Learning: Active and experiential learning is proven to be an impactful and engaging approach in the learning process for the adult learner; it enhances their understanding and promotes the retention of knowledge. Adult learners have unique characteristics and motivations, making active learning strategies particularly effective. Examples of active learning approaches include interactive activities, case studies, simulations, and hands-on projects that reflect real-world challenges. Group discussions and collaborative projects, leveraging the participant's life experiences, enrich the learning environment for the adult learner.
  • Personalized Learning: Pre-assessments are a valuable tool for the facilitator to meet the learner where they are. The pre-assessment provides information to the facilitator to tailor instruction to address individual gaps and needs. Utilizing pre-assessments for self-direct learning offers opportunities for learners to set their own learning goals and create personalized learning plans.
  • Empowerment and Autonomy: Utilizing self-directed learning encourages adult learners to take ownership of their learning process and make choices that align with their goals and interests. By nature, adult learners are more independent and autonomous than younger learners.
  • Reflection for Growth: Reflection activities are powerful tools for the adult learner to assess their development and engage more deeply with the facilitated content. A reflective activity can create the 'aha' moment for a learner who can analyze and envision the application of the skills to a previous experience or upcoming situation.