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Procedures for the Award of Emeritus/a Faculty Status

Each nomination for faculty emeritus status is accompanied by a succinct written recommendation from academic colleagues to the Dean or other appropriate administrator, providing evidence of meritorious service. Each department or equivalent academic unit develops their specific criteria for meritorious service.

Nominations from faculty colleagues may be sent to the Dean or appropriate administrator in either of two ways:

Nomination by colleagues in the same department requires a vote at the department level:

  • If a returning faculty member is nominated for emeritus status by a colleague in the same department, the nomination shall be submitted to the chair.
  • The chair facilities a vote on the nomination by tenured, tenure-track, and full-time temporary faculty members within two weeks of receiving the nomination.
  • If a simple majority (51%) of faculty as defined above, vote in favor of awarding emeritus status, then the nomination is forwarded to the Dean or appropriate administrator, with a copy to Academic Personnel.
  • The Dean has two weeks to forward the nomination and the Dean’s written recommendation regarding the award of emeritus status to the Provost with copies to the faculty member, the chair, and Academic Personnel.

Nomination by colleagues in a differ department requires a vote at the college level:

  • If a retiring faculty member is nominated for emeritus status by a colleague from a different department, the nomination is sent to the Dean (or administrator) of the returning faculty member’s College or other appropriate academic unit (i.e. Library).
  • The Dean facilitates balloting on the nomination within two weeks of receiving the nominations.
  • The Dean forwards the nomination to the Provost if a simple majority (51%) of full-time faculty in the College or equivalent academic unit vote in favor of awarding emeritus status.
  • The Dean forwards the nomination, together with the Dean’s written recommendation regarding the award of emeritus status, to the Provost within two weeks of the vote.
  • Copies of the nomination and recommendation are sent to the faculty member, the department head, and to Academic Personnel.

Provost’s and President’s Review

The Provost reviews the nomination and the Dean’s recommendation. Within three weeks of receiving the nomination and recommendation from the Dean, the Provost prepares a written recommendation regarding the award of emeritus status and forwards the recommendation, together with the nomination and the Dean’s recommendation, to the President, with copies to Academic Personnel, the Provost, Dean and the faculty member.

The President notifies the retiring faculty member in writing of the final decision regarding the award of emeritus status.

The name of the new faculty emeritus will be announced at a campus event in the beginning of the next academic year and listed on the Academic Personnel website.

Policy on Faculty Emeritus/a Status