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College of Science

Where We Work


In partnership with public agencies, Habitat Stewardship Project, Monterey Bay (HSP) works to restore habitats on public lands. HSP partners include the Bureau of Land Management on the Fort Ord Public Lands, the City of Salinas on the Creeks of Salinas, California State Parks for work on the Carmel Lagoon and the Fort Ord Dunes State Park, and the Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District for Marina Dunes and Locke Paddon Park projects.

HSP's work in the Natividad Creek Corridor has spanned 24 years since the “dump area” that is now Natividad Creek Park was cleaned up by a HSP-led coalition of neighborhood groups. All who come to Natividad Creek Park and the Upper Carr Lake Basin downstream where Natividad Creek meets East Laurel Drive, are impressed with the blend of natural elements and conventional park amendments. HSP now partners with the Big Sur Land Trush in restoration of a portion of the larger Carr Lake in Salinas.

Since the initial transition from army base to public lands in 1995, the BLM and HSP have worked together to restore hundreds of acres in the Fort Ord backcountry. Students and community volunteers plant thousands of native plants to restore habitat and prevent erosion.

HSP has partnered with California State Parks for restoration projects at the Carmel River Lagoon and Fort Ord Dunes State Park. Our current project with State parks is at Monterey State Beach, where HSP is restoring critical habitat for the threatened Western Snowy Plover.

Other restoration sites include Salinas River State Beach in partnership with Central Coast Wetlands Group.