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College of Science

Where We Work

Coastal Dune Restoration

In the Spring of 2016, Habitat Stewardship Project, Monterey Bay (HSPMB) joined the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and CA State Parks to restore Monterey State Beach. This site has a large ice plant population, and is a popular tourist destination, causing many people and dogs to harm the natural dune habitat.

The restoration of native plants is important to save the dune habitat. For example, the Smith's Blue Butterfly, a threatened insect found only in the Bay area dunes, depends on Coast buckwheat and Seacliff buckwheat to survive. Without restoration of these plants, the butterfly may become extinct.

Monterey State Beach is a critical nesting ground for another threatened species - the Western Snowy Plover. HSPMB Community volunteers and student planters have been able to plant over 5,000 native plants since the project started in January 2016.


Kelp is used to create microdunes and texture to prevent small native plants from being buried by dune erosion

Past Dune Restoration Sites:

  • Monterey State Beach
  • Marina Dunes Preserve
  • Fort Ord Dunes State Park