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Nathaniel Jue Lab

Department of Biology and Chemistry

Genomics, Genetics, and Bioinformatics Lab

An image of Dr. Nate Jue

With expertise in Evolutionary and Functional Genomics, Bioinformatics, Population Genetics, Evolutionary Biology, and Marine Ecology, Dr. Nathaniel Jue’s Genomics, Genetics, and Bioinformatics Lab uses genomic and bioinformatics approaches to conduct research on biological systems ranging from horseshoe crabs to humans.  

His lab’s research is thematically focused on using evolutionary and functional genomics to understand the connection between genotypic and phenotypic diversity. Currently, Dr. Jue is looking to further develop dedicated research projects in the evolution of complex organs (e.g.the placenta) in fishes, the functional and ecological genetics of bacteria, the genetics underlying reproductive strategies in fish, computational cancer systems biology, and the evolutionary genomics of marine species.

Areas of Research

Bioremediation as part of Dr. Nate Jue's research
Bacterial, functional, and ecological genetics in bioremediation
Marine salps floating in water
Evolutionary genomics of marine species
A swimming fish
Evolution of sex change in fishes
Microscopic image
Evolution of placentation in fishes

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