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College of Health Sciences and Human Services


Kinesiology Department Faculty & Staff


    Position: Professor & Kinesiology Department Chair

    Office: Valley Hall, Suite D, room 102 (interior office inside)

    Phone: 831-582-4114




    Bishop A,DeBeliso M, Sevene TG, Adams KJ. Comparing 1RM and 3RM conventional and eccentrically loaded dead lifts. J StrCond Research, 28(7):1820-1825, 2014.

    Berning JM,DeBeliso M, Sevene TG, Adams KJ, Salmon P, Stamford BA. Accuracy of physical self-description in chronic exercisers and non-exercisers. Health Psychology Res, 2(3):DOI:10.4081/hpr.2014.1746, 2014.

    DeBeliso M,Walsh J, Climstein M, Heazlewood IT, Kettunen J, Sevene TG, Adams KJ. World Masters Games: North American Participant’s Medical and Health History Survey.The Sport Journal, April, 2014.

    Leininger L,Orozco B, Adams KJ. Worksite Based Walking Competition: Effects on Perceived Stress and Physical Activity in Female University Employees. J Fitness Res,3(1):33-39, 2014.

    Luke RC,Morrissey JL, Reinke E, Sevene TG, Canner JC, Adams KJ. Managing mental and physical fatigue during a collegiate soccer season. Int Sport Coaching J,1:24-32, 2014.


    Heazlewood I,Walsh J, Climstein M, Adams K, T. Sevene T, DeBeliso M. Gender differences in participation motivation in masters football at the 2010 Pan Pacific Masters Games. The 4th Annual Conference on Science and Soccer (WCSS), Conference Proceedings, p-64, June 2014.

    Leininger,L.J., Adams, K.J., DeBeliso, M., & Orozco, B.Z. Differences in participation in University Worksite Health Promotion Programs and physical activity between faculty, staff and administration. Southwest Chapter American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings, Oct. 2014.

    Leininger,L.J., Orozco, B.Z., & Adams, K.J. (2014). “Evaluation of a Worksite Walking Competition on Stress and Physical Activity among Female University Employees.American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 46:5,2014.

    Boham M,DeBeliso M, Berning J, Carson C, Harris C, Sevene T, Adams K. The relationship of grip and body strength measures in older adults. New Mexico Athletic Trainers Association Annual State Meeting, Aztec, NM, May 31, 2014.

  • Dr. George Beckham's research centers on optimizing the training and testing of athletes. Specifically, his past research has included inertial measurement technology and its application to resistance training, the biomechanics of weightlifting exercise variations, and the biomechanics of explosive strength performance.

    Position: Associate Professor

    Office: Valley Hall, suite C, room 

    Telephone: 831-582-5258


  • Dr. Maria Bellumori is a graduate of the University of Delaware where she obtained a B.S. in Health Behavior Management, M.S. in Exercise Science, and Ph.D. in Biomechanics & Movement Sciences. Her research is focused on the effects of exercise on the neuromuscular system as it relates to aging and people with Parkinson’s disease. In her free time she enjoys running the trails of Fort Ord with her dog, Remy, and best friends. Adventure is out there.

    Position: Associate Professor

    Office: Valley Hall (building 82) suite D, Room 104

    Phone: 831-582-5454


  • Administrative Analyst


  • Dr. Lisa Leininger's educational background is in Kinesiology - Exercise Science and Educational Leadership. Dr. Leininger helps lead the "Exercise is Medicine On-Campus" initiative (sponsored by the American College of Sports Medicine) at CSUMB. Her current and future research will focus on how this initiative affects physical activity, health and wellness of both students and university employees.

    Position: Professor 

    Office: Valley Hall (building 82), suite D, room 108 

    phone: 831-582-3963


  • Position: Professor

    Office: Valley Hall, Suite C, room

    Phone: 831-582-3670


  • Dr. Steven Machek earned a PhD in Kinesiology, Exercise Nutrition, and Health Promotion from Baylor University in Waco, TX. His previous research has covered topics including performance supplementation, powerlifting, and intramuscular signaling/physiology. Ultimately, Dr. Machek seeks to continue investigating the isolated and intersectional aspects of sports nutrition and resistance training.
    Position: Assistant Professor
    Office: Valley Hall (Building 82), Suite D, Room 109
    Phone: 831-582-5455
  • Dr. Eric Martin is an Associate Professor in the Kinesiology Department at California State University Monterey Bay. He received his B.A. and M.A. in Exercise & Sport Science in his home state from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, then won an Endeavor International Postgraduate Research Scholarship from the Australian Government to support his PhD at the University of Notre Dame Australia. During all his graduate work, he designed and managed exercise and counseling programs as research interventions to provide supportive care to breast and prostate cancer survivors. Currently, his research interests are in early screening and identification of health risks among college students, focusing on racial health disparities, performance and injury prevention in rugby and pickleball players, and information literacy scholarship.

    Position: Associate Professor

    Office: Valley Hall (Building 82), suite C, room 108

    phone: (831) 582-5257



    Dr. Sara Powell earned her Ph.D. in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Sport and Exercise Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Dr. Powell’s research interests focus on using psychological skills intervention to increase physical activity across diverse communities, exploring the self-perceptions of distance runners, and body image issues relative to sport and exercise. She is also a Certified Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC) through the Association of Applied Sport Psychology.

    Position: Assistant Professor

    Office: Valley Hall (Building 82), suite C, room 103

    phone: (831) 582-3962



  • Dr. Trish Sevene is a Professor in the Kinesiology Department at California State University Monterey Bay. Dr. Sevene received a PhD in Biology with a Concentration in Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior from the University of Louisville. Dr. Sevene started and developed the Anatomy & Physiology program at CSU Monterey Bay and has been teaching  related curriculum for over twenty years. Dr. Sevene is currently a Professor and Director of the Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory at CSU Monterey Bay. Dr. Sevene is committed to  student success especially as it relates to first generation STEM students. Dr. Sevene is the recipient of the Allen Griffin Award for Excellence in Teaching and multiple Exceptional  Service to Students Awards at CSU Monterey Bay. Dr. Sevene’s active research and publication interests include the biological basis of human performance and aging. Dr. Sevene is  committed to bettering the institution and serves in multiple University wide service roles.

    Position: Professor and Director of Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory

    Office: Valley Hall (Building 82), Suite D, room 103

    Phone: (831) 582-4418
