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Library Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

2023 Ethnic Studies Research Paper Award Winner

The CSUMB Library is pleased to announce the winners of our 2023 Ethnic Studies Research Paper Award. Melissa June Boose, Alexandra De La Cruz Reyes, Palia Vang, and Nizhoni Hawthorne have won for their podcast, "The Removal of Beach Flats Community Garden: A Case of Environmental Racism." The podcast "details the plight of the community, interviews a documentarian who followed the struggle for the garden, and explains that environmental racism is not always massive companies dumping toxic waste. Environmental racism can happen on a much smaller scale even in areas we don’t expect." Kelly Christensen and Paige Monier have won for their podcast, "The Reclamation of Two-Spirit Identity." The podcast "looked into the history of two-spirit people, briefly talking about what happened to them during colonization, with a deeper look into how the two-spirit identity as been reclaimed and used as a way for queer indigenous people to connect with both their culture, and their personal identity."

The podcasts can be accessed through Digital Commons.

Library Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Family-Friendly Study Room

The CSUMB Library provides a family-friendly study room as a designated space for our student parents/guardians who need a welcoming, safe, and inviting environment to study with their children. The study room is available on a first-come, first-served basis, and occupancy is limited to 6 people at one time, including children. Childcare will not be provided.

Location: Tanimura and Antle Family Memorial Library, Room 2102

Library Lactation Room

The CSUMB Tanimura and Antle Memorial Library is pleased to announce the opening of a lactation room in the building. The lactation room, room 1126, provides a private space for feeding infants or expressing milk. The space is open to faculty, staff, students, and community members, and is available all hours the library is open.