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College of Science

Department of Marine Science

Current Graduate Student Resources

If you have questions about the following links and documents, or other student services, do not hesitate to contact the MSCI Department's Administrative Support Coordinator (ASC), Sarena Hineser-Harwood (

Resource Description
Campus Resources General services available to all students
Technology Resources Common technology resources for students (software, wifi, computers, and more)
Forms Description
COS Student Emergency Fund Application The College of Science (COS) Dean's office, in conjunction with the Office of Financial Aid, provides funding for COS students so that they may apply for a small (up to $500) grant to assist with emergency expenses that endanger their enrollment and/or success at CSUMB.
Add/Drop This form is used to ADD or DROP a class, or to request at AUDIT a class during the add/drop period only. The completed form is submitted to the Campus Service Center.
Incomplete Grade Contract Used for submitting an "I" grade. Signatures from both the Instructor and Student are required. The completed form is submitted to the Department Chair, Dr. James Lindholm,, Forest Hall (Bldg 49)
Photo Release In order for photos of any identifiable individual to appear on the MSCI website, social media, and/or other platform of communication and advertisement, a photo release must be completed and submitted by the individual and filed by the department.
Volunteers/Persons of Interest Complete this form when requesting authority for a Person of Interest request (i.e volunteer position, future hire, etc.)
Teaching Associate (TA) Opportunity Links
We are officially accepting applications for Teaching Associate positions in the College of Science for the Academic Year 2023-2024. For more information, please refer to the Call for TA Applications. Teaching Associate Application Guide
  FAFSA / Financial Aid Guide
Questions? Contact COS TAship FAQ