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College of Science

Department of Marine Science

Faculty Profile: Cheryl Logan, Ph.D.

profile picture of Cheryl Logan
Title   Professor
College/Department   Science/Marine Science
Phone   831.582.4698
Research Lab   Marine Environmental Physiology Lab
Office Location   Chapman Science Center (Building 53), Office E213
Office Hours (SP24)   TH 2:00-3:00 pm
Mailing Address   California State University Monterey Bay, 100 Campus Center, Chapman Science Center, Seaside, CA 93955
Areas of Expertise   Marine environmental physiology, global change biology, ecological physiology, ecological modeling & forecasting, climate change physiology, coral reefs
Courses Taught   MSCI 430/BIO 430/MSCI 530: Marine Experimental Physiology, MSCI 331: Ecological Physiology, BIO 392: Biology Seminar Series, BIO 210L: Introductory Biology, BIO 410: Group Capstone, BIO x97 or MSCI x97: Independent Research in Biology or Marine Science