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College of Science

Department of Marine Science

Faculty Projects (Current & Past)

4 panel marine animals


Project Faculty PI Collaborators
Anthropocene Research Award in Marine Conservation James Lindholm  
Assessment of Abalone and Urchin Populations in Monterey Alison Haupt  
California Undersea Imagery Archive James Lindholm  OPC, CDFW
Center for Applied Atmospheric Research and Education [CAARE] Sherry Palacios NASA
COAST Scholars-In-Training Cheryl Logan  
Collaborative Research: Decomposing the Effects of Diversity on the Abundance of Marine Parasites Alison Haupt  UW, SIO AMNH
Earth System Education for Climate Resiliency in the Salish Sea Sherry Palacios  NASA [ESTEEM]
Engaging Non-Science Majors in Authentic Research through Citizen Science Alison Haupt  
Galapagos Coral: Canaries in a Coal Mine Cheryl Logan SFQU
Image-based Approaches to Surveying Corals at Mid-depth Rocky Reefs in Central California's MPAs James Lindholm MBNMS
Landscape Ecology of Fishes on Southern Carmel Bay's Deep Wall & Reef James Lindholm  MBNMS
Landscape Ecology of Nearshore Biological Communities Along CA: From Video-based Diver Transects to Spatial Modeling James Lindholm  PISCO, RCCA, State Parks
Monitoring & Evaluation of Mid-depth Rocky Reef Ecosystems James Lindholm  MLML, UCSB, HSU
Quantifying Drivers and Stressors of Intertidal Biofilm Resources at the Largest Tidal Wetland Restoration on the US West Coast Sherry Palacios  USGS
REU: From the Intertidal to the Deep Ocean Sherry Palacios ESNERR, HMS, MLML, MBARI, NPS
San Clemente Island Deep Water DFMPA Monitoring James Lindholm  MLML
Sea Lion Bowl   NOSB
Using Citizen Science to Understand 30 Year of Change in Kelp Cover Alison Haupt  UMass, NASA