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College of Science

Department of Marine Science

deep sea drawing used as header


Rote Lecture Series

The Rote Lecture Series brings renowned speakers to campus to discuss a variety of subjects related to the interface of science and policy.

2022 -- Marine Conservation Biology (MSCI 475) conversation: Q&A with distinguished science policy and ocean conservation leaders
2020 -- Rote Remote (zoom event): Marine Science Alumni Panel CSUMB to Career Q&A
2019 -- Fall Panel discussion: The NGO Perspective 
2019 -- Spring Panel discussion: Evolving or devolving? The Changing Nature of the Science-Policy Interface 
2018 -- Science panel discussion on local White Shark research: White Sharks of California 
2017 -- Seminar on the role science played in the designation of the Northeast Canyons & Seamounts National Marine Monument, the first in the Atlantic: Deep Ocean - Fragile Places 
2014 -- Science Communication Workshop: You’re Doing What?! Putting Your Research in the Big Picture (cohosted with MARINE)
2010-2015 -- CSUMB+MBNMS
Currents Symposium 

Ocean Candidates Forum

Hosted on the CSUMB campus, the Ocean Candidates Forum is a non-partisan discussion of challenging coastal and marine issues by federal and state candidates seeking elected office. The OCF is held weeks ahead of key election dates and gives voters a window into the thoughts and preparation of individuals who, if elected, make important decisions about the future of our region's coastal environment. Forums questions are submitted by a wide variety of local stakeholder. Our next OCF will be held in conjunction with the U.S. Presidential and California elections in November 2024. 

2024 -- Date TBD
2020 -- canceled due to the pandemic
2018 -- OCF 2018: Mid term elections (Event Video)
2016 -- Inaugural Ocean Candidates Forum (Event Video), U.S. Presidential and California elections