CSUMB enjoys a successful and unified 2023 Commencement in Salinas

Graduating students wave to their families during the 2023 Commencement at the Salinas Sports Complex. | Photo by Brent Dundore-Arias
May 21, 2023
The CSUMB community prepares for Commencement months in advance: the decor, food and drink, restrooms, parking, accommodations, security, guest speakers, chairs, programs and more. This year’s Commencement called for extra work and attention due to its change from a two-day event at the CSUMB stadium to a one-day unified event at the Salinas Sports Complex.
The grounds were populated with concession stands selling gifts, catering teams dishing up food and drinks, audio/visual gear, a DJ booth, and CSUMB staff members traversing it all to make the familiar elements work cohesively in an unfamiliar place. And it did.
The first college convocation ceremony took place at Rabobank Stadium at the north end of the grounds.
Faculty, students and staff were obliged to arrive early. But for family and friends of graduates who had to navigate extra traffic and the logistics of the new location, the ceremony was delayed so that more of them could arrive and be seated.
Otherwise, it proceeded in an efficient and organized manner. The graduates and faculty, dressed in gowns and academic regalia, assembled in a grassy field near Rabobank Stadium. When “Pomp and Circumstance” began to play, staff members ushered them in a procession into the stadium to their seats.
Speakers from across the college delivered greetings, well-wishes, stories, advice and gratitude, the sentiment of pride infusing everyone’s thoughts. And as the graduates’ names were called, they were accompanied by cheers, hollers and applause.
Many of the graduates also attended the main Commencement in the afternoon at the rodeo arena. There they heard speeches by President Vanya Quiñones, guest speaker and KSBW anchor Dan Green, and others. Then the moment came when the students were invited to move the tassels on their mortarboards over to indicate that they had officially graduated. Cheers erupted to celebrate the occasion.
The faculty was escorted out of the arena, followed by their graduates, who reunited with their families, friends and supporters for hugs and photographs and receiving bouquets of flowers. Some lingered to revel in the jubilation, while others left right away to celebrate and unwind.
Students attending the two afternoon convocations, which followed Commencement started assembling. Those two convocations happened at Rabobank Stadium and the rodeo arena concurrently. Altogether, there were three such ceremonies throughout the day for the university's five colleges, anchored by the Commencement in the middle.
It was another successful Commencement, launching the next crop of CSUMB graduates toward brighter futures.
Go to the Commencement web page for videos, photos, the program, and more information.