Faculty and Staff Summer Social promoted fellowship

June 16, 2023
At the start of summer, with most faculty and students gone from the day-to-day of university life, the campus population, atmosphere and activity expectedly wane. To counter that, President Vanya Quiñones and company threw a mid-afternoon mixer/gathering on June 14 called the Faculty and Staff Summer Social.
It gave employees -- who may not normally encounter or see each other face-to-face for days, weeks or months -- a chance to share the same space outside, with no agenda but to talk, catch up and enjoy a little merriment.
And according to a count by University Affairs, Ceremonies and Events, about 200 people showed up to Administration Plaza to partake.
Summery treats, which wouldn’t be out of place at a kids’ birthday party, were provided, including watermelon slices, cookies, chips and cans of soda.
Lawn games, including Jenga blocks, a cornhole toss, and a giant chess board, were set up for all comers; tables and chairs were arranged on the lawn near the flagpole. Quiñones emceed a raffle for prizes like goodie bags and a stuffed otter, and chatted and took photos with people.
Some campus community members set up tables to share swag and information, including a button-making station from Makerspace, and books and wellness kits from the African Heritage Faculty and Staff Alliance.
“This is a great opportunity to see folks on campus and build community,” said Phuong Nguyen, associate professor and chair of Human Communication.
Phyllis Grillo, director of UACE, listed other employee engagement events that, similarly, have aimed to build rapport and connection: the softball game, Spirit Day, barbecues, open houses and receptions at University House, the staff and faculty holiday party.
“People are hungry to reconnect,” Grillo said. “They come out for Vanya, they come out for each other.”
Some employees attended with their kids, some brought lunches to eat together. Everyone seemed to come with a sense of cheer and gratitude.