New Student Convocation held at World Theater

President Vanya QuiƱones takes a selfie with the audience during New Student Convocation. | Photo by Brent Dundore-Arias
August 23, 2023
By Mark Muckenfuss
President Vanya Quiñones told CSUMB’s new first-year and transfer students on Monday, Aug. 21, that they are now part of a longstanding community.
“From now on you’re an Otter,” Quiñones said to the rows of young faces seated in the World Theater for the new student convocation. “You belong here. This is your university.”
She then illustrated how that community works.
“Maybe you’ve heard of Otter 841,” she said, referring to the renegade that has recently attacked several surfer’s boards in the waves off of Santa Cruz. “He captured a lot of headlines. But that’s a really different otter. Most otters work together. In the ocean, otters hook each other’s arms and create a raft, so they don't drift away, so they stay safe.”
She asked the students to stand and to lock arms with one another.
“All of us are a raft of otters that take care of each other,” she told them. “We support each otter. This is your raft.”
She and other administrators encouraged the students to engage in the campus community during their time at CSUMB. That included making new friends, taking part in campus events and getting to know their instructors.
Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Andrew Lawson said students should take advantage of their professors’ office hours.
“Stop in and see them,” Lawson said, “even if you don’t have a question. They’re eager to know you.”
Ben Corpus, vice president for enrollment management and student affairs, said it was important for the new students to maintain good mental health as they faced the challenges of their first year in college.
“If you find yourself struggling with stress and mental health,” he said. “it is very important that you reach out.”
This was the first new student convocation to be held in the World Theater. In earlier years, the event was held in the stadium to welcome freshmen. As part of Monday’s event, students were given CSUMB pins and T-shirts that read, “Support each otter.” To end the convocation, Lawson asked all of the students to don their shirts and to affix their pins to signify joining the CSUMB family.
“Wear this pin with pride as a member of our otter raft,” Lawson said.
Quiñones commemorated the occasion by taking a selfie with the audience in the theater. The students were given a “clap-out” salute as they exited the theater and then gathered on Sixth Street for a group photo.
A mixer held at the University Center provided a festive atmosphere with social games that helped students get to know one another.
Joseph Ramer of Hilmar, Calif., said he will be studying computer science at CSUMB. He said he found the event helpful and took away an important message.
“I need to meet more people,” Ramer said, “and have a great time while I’m here.”