Otter Student Union receives LEED Silver certification for environmental sustainability

The Otter Student Union has eared a LEED Silver designation.
July 20, 2023
By Mark Muckenfuss
CSU Monterey Bay took another step toward its core sustainability goals when the Otter Student Union recently received a LEED Silver designation for the environmental features of its building.
OSU Director Jeff Rensel said a plaque recognizing the award will be placed near the building entrance in the coming weeks. Rensel said he first received word of the award in April.
The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certificates are presented by the U.S. Green Building Council and Green Business Certification as a way of promoting construction of sustainable buildings worldwide. So far, more than 100,000 buildings in nearly 190 countries have received LEED certifications.
“This project was always to be a LEED-certified building,” Rensel said. “It’s a mark of distinction and a great accomplishment.”
In a letter to Rensel, notifying him of the award, the Green Building Council’s president and CEO Peter Templeton said the LEED Silver certification “identifies Otter Student Union as a showcase example of sustainability.”
Features of the building that were identified by the council as warranting the designation included insulated glass, solar power, natural light detectors, native and drought-resistant landscaping, a smart irrigation system, bike racks, bus access, low-flow toilets and refillable water bottle stations.
“This project gave us an opportunity to minimize our impact,” Rensel said. “This exemplifies our ability to build a more sustainable future. It’s a point of pride.”
He said such work is ongoing.
“We are always evaluating our sustainable opportunities,” he said. “We are adding liquid dump stations [for unconsumed beverages and other fluids] to our dining areas to eliminate contamination of the waste stream. We’re also continuing our e-waste and used battery collection, among other sustainable practices within the OSU.”
Rensel said the certification plaque is due to arrive in early August. A ceremony will be held when it is installed.