Sea otters are stars for the week

A sea otter floats on the surface of Monterey Bay.
September 28, 2023
This week is Sea Otter Awareness Week, so if you see Monte Rey, give him an extra hug. The special recognition is sponsored by Defenders of Wildlife, Sea Otter Savvy and the California Department of Parks and Recreation.
Otters are a key component of Monterey Bay’s marine ecosystem. Once hunted to near extinction, they are now a common site in the local waters. And they are a popular attraction at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
“Sea otters play a critical role in maintaining healthy kelp forests along the Central Coast – habitats that support a wide variety of fishes and invertebrates,” said James Lindholm, professor and chair of the CSU Monterey Bay Marine Science Department. “They also play a role in attracting people to engage in such activities as scuba diving, kayaking and other aquatic activities. Indeed, our dive program students frequently encounter otters during classes and research activities.”