CSUMB Education Abroad Program Recognized as One of Nation’s Best for Yearlong Participation
January 26, 2020
SEASIDE, Ca., January 26, 2020 – California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB) was ranked #9 amongst like-institutions nationally in a recent Institute of International Education (IIE) Open Doors report for sending students abroad for long-term programs during the 2017-2018 academic year. A long-term duration is categorized as an academic or calendar year.
During the 2017-2018 academic year, a total of 246 CSUMB students participated in a study abroad experience, 38 of which were abroad for the duration of the academic or calendar year.
The CSUMB Internationalization strategic plan has a goal of 10% of our students to participate in study abroad by the time they graduate. This success is the result of great collaboration across CSUMB with academic and student affairs."— Associate Dean of International Programs & Services, Ida Mansourian.

The IIE is an organization that focuses on the educational and cultural exchange of international students, Foreign Affairs, and International Peace and Security.
IIE supports the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and publishes an Open Doors Report annually on International Educational Exchange. Open Doors is a statistical survey of campuses regarding international students in the United States and of students studying abroad for academic credit.
Education Abroad at CSUMB offers an extraordinary opportunity for students to expand horizons, gain fresh perspectives, learn in new academic contexts, pick up or improve a foreign language, meet fascinating people and embrace new and unique challenges.