CSUMB Participates in the Great California Shakeout
October 19, 2017

CSUMB Emergency Manager Ken Folsom briefs University Police Department staff prior to the Great Shakeout drill.
SEASIDE, Ca., Oct. 19, 2017 – California State University Monterey Bay (CSUMB) students, faculty and staff participated in the world’s largest earthquake drill on Thursday, October 19, 2017.
We never know when a natural disaster might strike, that's why it is so important to participate in exercises like this to ensure we all know how to react when it becomes a reality."— CSUMB Emergency Manager, Ken Folsom
Students gather outside of the Otter Student Union during the Great Shakeout drill at CSUMB on Oct. 19.
The drill was initiated by an OtterAlert message sent along with a outdoor public address system announcement at which point all people on campus were asked to practice drop, cover and hold-on followed by building evacuations.