CSUMB Undergrad Selected for Pre-Doctoral Scholarship
August 1, 2019
SEASIDE, Ca., August 1, 2019 – Selena Velasquez, CSUMB psychology senior, and Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center (UROC) scholar, has been selected as Sally Casanova Pre-Doctoral Scholars for the 2019-20 academic year. Velasquez will be awarded $3,000 to support graduate school and professional development endeavors during the upcoming year.
Velasquez is also a recent recipient of the CSU Trustee Award for Outstanding Achievement and will receive faculty mentorship from College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences Assistant Professor Kevin Grobman. Her status as a Sally Casanova Scholar also entitles her to apply for a 2020 summer research experience at a University of California campus or other doctoral-granting institution after graduation.
Being awarded this scholarship recognizes my potential to succeed and validates my efforts to pursue a Ph.D. I am also honored to be part of the previous CSUMB scholar recipients. As they have done for me, I hope to inspire other underrepresented scholars to explore and pursue doctoral studies."— Selena Velasquez

CSUMB psychology senior, and Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center (UROC) scholar, Selena Velasquez.
"I am honored to receive this award as a first-generation, low-income Latina. Being awarded this scholarship recognizes my potential to succeed and validates my efforts to pursue a Ph.D," said Velasquez. "I am also honored to be part of the previous CSUMB scholar recipients. As they have done for me, I hope to inspire other underrepresented scholars to explore and pursue doctoral studies. I thank my amazing support system comprised of faculty, friends, and family, for the strength to pursue a Ph.D.”
This year, the Sally Casanova Scholarship program reviewed over 250 applications from across the CSU. A total of 74 total Sally Casanova Scholars were selected, in both undergraduate and graduate categories. This marks the 6th consecutive year CSUMB undergraduates have been awarded in the Pre Doc Program.
The California Pre-Doctoral Program is designed to increase the pool of potential faculty by supporting the doctoral aspirations of California State University (CSU) students who have experienced economic and educational disadvantages. The program places a special emphasis on increasing the number of CSU students who enter doctoral programs at one of the University of California (UC) institutions.