Monterey City Council Member Tyller Williamson to Keynote ‘Super Saturday’ Event
February 5, 2019
SEASIDE, Ca., February 5, 2019 – California State University (CSU) leaders, trustees, campus presidents and alumni will visit nearly 100 churches across the state during the month of February to encourage students to pursue higher education during the CSU’s Super Sunday event.
CSUMB’s Office of Admissions will host its own 'Super Saturday' event featuring keynote speaker and newly elected Monterey City Council member, Tyller Williamson, at the University Center Saturday, Feb. 23 from 8:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. Williamson, a 2013 CSUMB Human Communication alumnus, is the youngest person to be elected to the Monterey City Council. He is also the first African-American, and first openly gay City Council member in Monterey.

Photo by: Patrick Tregenza Monterey City Council member, Tyller Williamson
CSU Super Sunday is one of many events supported by the CSU community to increase the preparation, retention and graduation of African-American students. More than a million people have received this message through Super Sunday efforts over the last 14 years with more than 100,000 congregants, students and families slated to do so again this year.
Voices of Monterey Bay
Historic Run for City Hall
Tyller Williamson and the new wave of young leaders in Monterey.
The year-round partnership between the CSU and African-American community leaders throughout the state provides additional outreach, support and preparation events such as college and career fairs, financial aid workshops, Cal State Apply clinics and more.
For more than a decade, the CSU has partnered with faith-based leaders to host Super Sunday during the month of February. CSU leaders bring an empowering message to churches throughout California about the importance of preparing for college.
We are excited to host this event and widen our outreach to African-American churches and the community members in Monterey, Seaside and Salinas."— Paula Carter, CSUMB Director of Admissions
CSU resources will be provided to help students and families foster a college-going culture at home, including information about preparing for college, applying to a CSU campus and applying for financial aid. For information see the list of Super Sunday partner churches.