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Personal Growth and Counseling Center

Wellness Resources

Recommended resources to support student health and wellness:

Mental Health Screenings

The Personal Growth and Counseling Center organizes several on campus screenings throughout the year. Screenings for depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, and alcohol use disorders are conducted in classrooms, residence halls, the counseling center, and at special events. Based on screening results, students may be referred for follow-up services.

The following online confidential and anonymous screenings are also available for students:

You@CSUMB Self Checks

Self Checks provide a quick snapshot of your well-being. Topics covered include diversity, identity, physical and mental health, and learning strengths. 


ULifeline provides students with a quick mental health evaluator, tools to learn more about mental health issues and the warning signs of emotional distress and suicide. 

After taking a screening

After taking a screening, results will be shared along with suggestions for next steps, such as seeing a mental health professional. If you want to talk to someone about your results, please contact the Personal Growth and Counseling Center at 831-582-3969.