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Classes and Planning

Credit by Exam

You may qualify for admission or earn credit toward your degree if you pass any of the following standardized external examinations. More information about the amount of credit awarded for successful completion of AP, CLEP and IB is set forth in the CSU's External Exam Policy and in CSUMB's Academic Credit and Assessment Policy.

Select an exam below to see detailed information about the passing scores, minimum units of credit earned, and certification area (for General Education Breadth and/or U.S. History, Constitution, and American Ideals) awarded for successful completion of standardized external exams.

Departments may develop and provide challenge exams for major and elective courses only; GE courses are not available for challenge. Only undergraduate courses may be made available for challenge exam, and those courses available for challenge shall be identified in the catalog. Students who wish to take an exam should consult with the department office well in advance. Not all exams are available all semesters.

Prior Learning Assessment

Prior learning assessment is the evaluation of college-level knowledge or skills an individual has gained outside of the classroom for college credit. Undergraduate students may request prior learning assessment; the department may not be able to provide for review in the term requested. Students who wish to request prior learning assessment should consult with the department office well in advance.