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University Police

Sexual Assault Risk Reduction

Awareness and education are the most effective and meaningful ways to prevent rape.

We want to establish a complete and meaningful rape awareness program by offering:

  • care for sexual assault victims
  • counseling services for victims
  • additional training for investigators
  • community involvement
  • escorts for victims
  • guidelines for self-protection

The following safety guidelines focus on the concept of “divert and flee,” and stress the importance of common sense.

Non-Stranger rape

Non-stranger rape is forced penetration of a person's mouth, anus, or vagina with an object, finger, or penis by someone that the survivor knows.

Warning signals

  • Be aware of people who force you to use intoxicating substances.
  • Be aware of people who ignore your requests, and don’t listen to you when you talk.
  • Don’t trust acquaintances too quickly.
  • As soon as you sense an uncomfortable or dangerous situation, get to a safe place.

Risk Reduction Measures

  • Establish good communication in relationships.
  • Use alcohol responsibly. Do not leave your drinks unattended.
  • Be assertive. Say NO when you mean NO.
  • If your boundaries are violated, state your objection.
  • Trust your instincts and look for the warning signals.
  • Understand that someone you admire may force you to have sex with him.
  • Be prepared to defend yourself.

Ways to avoid rape in social situations

  • Do not accept a ride from someone you have just met.
  • Believe in your right to express your feelings and learn to do so assertively.
  • Introduce the person you are leaving with to a friend.
  • Double date or “Dutch” date.
  • Take an active part in controlling and making decisions during the date.

Stranger rape

Ways to avoid stranger rape

  • Use good security devices on doors and windows.
  • Do not open doors to strangers.
  • Keep windows covered at night and open during the day.
  • If you hear or see something suspicious, call 911 immediately.
  • Never disclose personal information about yourself to unknown callers.
  • Don’t walk alone; call university police for an escort.
  • Never hitchhike.
  • Always lock vehicle doors.
  • Park in well-lighted areas; check inside/under your car when returning.
  • Check ID of any repairmen or salesmen; call their company to verify.

Defense methods

No defense method is guaranteed. Taking action quickly increases your chances of survival. Common sense is valuable. Practice the defensive techniques you choose to use. Anticipate as many scenarios as you can think of. Your action should be decisive and instinctive.

If confronted, make as much noise as possible; scream, shout “fire,” etc. Run away, preferably toward people. If you must fight, aim for the face, eyes, throat, or groin. These areas are usually unprotected and will cause immediate disability. Strike with maximum force. Remember your well being depends on your determination. Report all assaults or rapes to the University Police by calling 831-655-0268 or 911.

If you have been raped

  • Get to a safe place.
  • Call the police, a friend, or relative for transportation to a hospital.
  • Call a rape crisis hotline for support and information. For Monterey County, the rape crisis hotline is 831-375-HELP (4357).
  • Go to a hospital for treatment of external and/or internal injuries, tests for pregnancy, STDs and AIDS; evidence collection, and support services.


  • Don’t shower, bathe, douche, change clothes. You may destroy evidence.
  • Reporting to the police is your choice. Ask about victims’ rights.
  • Consider seeing a counselor. Contact Personal Growth and Counseling Center on campus at 831-582-3969 or contact the Campus Advocate at 831-402-9477.

What everyone can do to help stop sexual assault

  • Promote gender equality.
  • Offer your acquaintance the opportunity to take control of part of the relationship.
  • Stop when someone says “No”. Do not persist and try to talk them into it.
  • Communicate with others and let them know your expectations and intentions.
  • Do not believe that anyone “owes” you sex for taking them out.
  • Do not condone anyone who might be talking derogatorily about others and sex.
  • Don’t make rape jokes. Rape is a violent crime, and should not be tolerated.
  • Help to eliminate the stereotypical attitude such as women are sex objects or men are always ready and willing to have sex.
  • If someone you care for has been raped, be supportive and understanding.

Bystander Intervention

Often when people see potentially violent scenes, they do not know what to do or if they should get involved. CSUMB encourages everyone in our community to be an active bystander and intervene in situations where violence or harmful actions are occurring. There are three main techniques for intervening called the Three D’s:

  • Be Direct. Confront what is happening directly. Tell the person that you are not okay with their behavior or that what they are doing is not appropriate.
  • Distract those involved. This could be spilling a drink on someone, telling someone their car is being towed, or asking the person being harassed to come help you find your friends.
  • Delegate the intervening to others. Some situations may be too dangerous for you to directly intervene in. If that is the case, you can ask or call upon others (such as friends, faculty, UPD, the owner of the house you are at, etc.) to help intervene in the situation.

Additional local resources

Monterey County Rape Crisis Center

831- 375-HELP (4357)

CSUMB Campus Advocate


CSUMB Personal Growth and Counseling Center

100 Campus Center #80 Seaside, CA 93955


Monterey County YWCA

1965 Fremont Blvd. Seaside, CA 93955

831- 583-1027