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Policy on the Acceptable Use of Computing & Information Technology Resources

*This policy applies to the following groups: MPP, Confidential, Units 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.

1.00 Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to outline the acceptable uses of computing and information technology resources for the California State University Monterey Bay (CSUMB) community. This policy outlines the standards for acceptable use of University computing and information technology resources that include, but are not limited to, equipment, software, networks, data, and telecommunications equipment whether owned, leased, or otherwise provided by CSUMB. This policy is intended to reflect the University's commitment to the principles, goals, and ideals described in the CSUMB Vision Statement and to its core values.

2.00 Access to Information Technology Resources

It is the policy of CSUMB to maintain access for its community to local, national and international electronic information sources in order to provide an atmosphere that encourages the free exchange of ideas and sharing of information. CSUMB maintains a variety of information technologies for use as resources for people, catalysts for learning, and to provide increased access to technology and an enriched quality of learning. Access to this environment and the University's information technology resources is a privilege and must be treated with the highest ethical standards. The University reserves the right to limit access in response to evidence of violations of University policy (as set forth herein), as well as federal, state or local laws.

Preserving the access to information resources is a community effort that requires each member to act responsibly and guard against abuses. Therefore, both the CSUMB community as a whole and each individual user have an obligation to abide by the following standards of acceptable and ethical use:

  • Use only those computing and information technology resources for which you have authorization.
  • Use computing and information technology resources only for their intended purpose.
  • Protect the access and integrity of computing and information technology resources.
  • Abide by applicable laws and University policies and respect the copyrights and intellectual property rights of others, including the legal use of copyrighted software.
  • Respect the privacy and personal rights of others.

3.00 Application

This policy applies to all users of CSUMB computing and information technology resources including faculty, staff, students, guests, external individuals or organizations and individuals accessing external network services, such as the Internet via University facilities.

4.00 University Expectations

Access to CSUMB information technology and computing resources is a privilege granted to students, faculty and staff of CSUMB. The University extends access privileges to individual users of the University's information technology and computing resources. The extension of these privileges is predicated on the user's acceptance of and adherence to the corresponding user responsibilities detailed in this policy and addendum. However the university reserves the rights to limit, restrict, or extend access to information technology resources.

The University expects all members of the CSUMB community to use computing and information technology resources in a responsible manner; respecting the public trust through which these resources have been provided, the rights and privacy of others, the integrity of facilities and controls, and all pertinent laws and University policies and standards.

5.00 Uses

In general, the CSUMB community shall use University information technology resources (which includes privately-owned computers connected to the University network) in connection with the University's core teaching, research, and service missions. Certain non-core uses that do not significantly consume resources or interfere with other users also are acceptable. Under no circumstances shall members of the University community or others use University information technology resources in ways that are illegal, that threaten the University's tax-exempt or other status, or that interfere with reasonable use by other members of the University community. Any use of University information technology resources, including network infrastructure, for commercial purposes is prohibited.

6.00 Sanctions for Violations

Failure to comply with the appropriate use of computing and information technology resources threatens the atmosphere for the sharing of information, the free exchange of ideas and the secure environment for creating and maintaining information property and subjects one to disciplinary action. Any member of the CSUMB community found using computing and information technology resources for unethical or unacceptable practices has violated this policy and is subject to disciplinary proceedings including suspension of system privileges, expulsion from school, termination of employment and/or legal action as may be appropriate. Any disciplinary action taken against a member of the CSUMB community for violating this policy shall be pursuant to applicable laws, regulations, policies or collective bargaining agreements, if any.

CSUMB reserves the right to limit or restrict the use of its computing and information technology resources based on institutional priorities and financial considerations, as well as when it is presented with evidence of a violation of University policies, contractual agreements, or state and federal laws.

7.00 Privacy and Security

There is no inherent right to privacy for information stored on CSUMB information technology resources, except as provided by the Privacy Act of 1974. Federal law permits system administrator access to stored electronic communications if that access is necessary for the rendition of service. Random monitoring of electronic communications by CSUMB is not conducted unless required to do so by law (e.g., subpoena or court order).

8.00 Addendum & Procedures

Specific issues for interpretation and administration of this policy are given in the_Addendum for Interpretation and Administration of the Acceptable Use of Computing and Information Technology Resources Policy_. This addendum contains definitions, specific examples of offenses, and procedures for dealing with incidents.

9.00 Continuous Renewal

This policy shall be reviewed in ten years from its effective date to determine its effectiveness and appropriateness. This policy may be reviewed before that time as necessary.

s/Dianne F. Harrison

Effective Date: 4/13/2012

Certification of Process

Reviewed by: Information Technology Policy Advisory Committee, Academic Senate Technology Committee, Policy Facilitation Team, Student Affairs, Administration and Finance Directors, Provost, Academic Affairs Council, Student Voice, Academic Senate