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Policy on Grant-Related/Specially Funded Instructional Faculty (GRIF)

1.00 Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to establish the means by which eligible full-time faculty can be granted a Grant-Related/Specially-Funded Instructional Faculty (GRIF) classification. This policy is intended to reflect the University’s commitment to the principles, goals, and ideals described in the CSUMB Vision and to its core values.

2.00 Definition

The Grant-Related/Specially Funded Instructional Faculty (GRIF) serves as a California State University instructional staff member in a non-permanent, 12 month or academic year assignment. This classification can be used for grant-funded faculty assignments as well as faculty assignments funded by gifts and bequests or by foundation allocations. Grant-related/specially funded instructional faculty are individual faculty members whose extraordinary level of externally funded scholarship imposes extra requirements for leadership and accountability.

3.00 Eligibility

Full-time instructional faculty members in an academic department or equivalent unit who have exhibited exceptional professional merit are eligible for GRIF appointments. Faculty with Academic Year appointments are only eligible to apply for Academic Year GRIF classification, and faculty with 12-month appointments are only eligible to apply for 12-month GRIF appointments.

3.10 Award Minimum

Appointees shall be primarily responsible for grant and contract awards, specialized service center activity, gifts, bequests or Foundation allocations reflecting substantial annual awards or expenditures. They typically administer multiple awards, and supervise multiple staff.

3.20 Sufficient Funds

Appointees shall demonstrate that they have sufficient funding to cover the costs of the differential funding associated with the GRIF appointment. The appropriate college dean shall assure that applications have clearly identified all sources of funding.

3.30 Project Director and/or Principal Investigator

Normally, an individual appointed as a grant-related/specially-funded instructional faculty member shall have the responsibility as Project Director and/or Principal Investigator.

3.40 Regional & National Stature

Faculty members appointed to the GRIF classification shall demonstrate regional and national stature in his/her discipline, with a continuous record of recognized leadership and significant achievement in creative or scholarly work, as indicated in the standards for ‘Outstanding’ performance in Discovery, Creation, and Integration as indicated in Table 3 of the Appendices to CSUMB’s RTP policy.

3.50 University Contribution

Faculty members appointed to the GRIF classification shall demonstrate how their extramurally funded scholarly activities make a substantial contribution to CSUMB’s mission and Vision. Normally, faculty appointed to the GRIF classification would be expected to teach at least one formal course per year to facilitate the connection between their research or creative activity and student learning, unless they are on paid leave while appointed to the GRIF classification.

4.00 Application Process

4.10 Procedures

Each applicant shall be responsible for complying with CSUMB’s GRIF Classification procedures developed consistent with this policy. Where the provisions of these guidelines are in conflict with the relevant provisions, present or future, of California State University/California Faculty Association (CSU/CFA) Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), the CBA shall take precedence.

4.20 Appointment Approval

Each applicant shall be approved by their Department Chair, the Dean, the Committee on Postgraduate Studies and Research and the Provost. The President shall appoint approved applicants to GRIF classification.

5.00 Compensation

5.10 Appointee Compensation

Appointees to these classifications shall receive compensation comprising the base salary of their normal faculty appointment plus a rate increase within the range specified for GRIF by the Collective Bargaining Agreement above such base salary. The letter of appointment shall state the amount of the differential salary.

5.20 Salary Exceeding Range Maximum

If an appointee is a full professor with a salary above the range maximum, then the salary while in the GRIF classification may exceed the published maximum for the GRIF classification.

5.30 Changes in Compensation

Changes in compensation during the course of a grant-related/specially-funded instructional appointment shall be limited to any general salary increase, service salary increase, promotion as determined by the campus retention, tenure, and promotion process, or any other contractual compensation adjustment granted to the faculty member during this time.

5.40 Service Responsibility

In addition to the responsibilities as a grant-related/specially-funded instructional faculty member, the faculty member shall also have normal advising and departmental and university service responsibilities expected of all other faculty in their regular appointment, unless the faculty member is on paid leave during the GRIF appointment.

5.50 Conclusion of Appointment

When the appointment to a grant-related/specially-funded instructional position is concluded, the individual shall revert back to the salary of his/her prior faculty position, with any intervening salary adjustments.

6.00 Terms of Appointment

Appointments to this classification are not permanent, and shall be made only for one academic year or one 12-month period. Appointment to either classification automatically expires at the end of the period stated and does not establish a right to subsequent appointments in this class. If an appointee wishes to seek renewal of the classification, she/he will submit an application following the same procedures and policy as a first time applicant.

Apart from those typically associated with regular full-time faculty appointments, there are no additional tenure or salary rights associated with temporary appointments to GRIF classification. An individual retains tenure rights, if any, and salary normally accruing from a regular faculty appointment. Appointment to GRIF classification does not constitute a promotion; nor does the non-renewal of an appointment to either classification constitute a demotion. Grant-related/specially funded instructional faculty shall have all the privileges and employment benefits accruing to their regular faculty appointment.

7.00 Funding

The differential portion, including related employee benefits, of the total compensation paid to each appointee of these positions shall be reimbursed from non-General Funds furnished to the campus for that purpose by grants, contracts, specialized service centers, individual gifts and bequests, or by foundation allocation. The differential funding by the specified funding source(s) shall be allowable under any regulations that govern the funding source. The cost of the GRIF salary differential may also be funded in whole or in part by non-General Fund dollars identified by the department chair, the dean of the college, or other appropriate administrator.

8.00 Evaluation

The activities for which the Grant Related/Specialty Funded Instructional Faculty members are appointed shall be evaluated annually.

9.00 Continuous Renewal

This policy shall be assessed in ten years from its effective date to determine its utility and effectiveness. This policy may be assessed before that time if changes in CSU/CFA Collective Bargaining Agreement mandage campus changes.

s/ President Dianne F. Harrison

Effective Date: August 2007

Certification of Process:

Reviewed by: Principal Investigator (PI) Advisory Group, Grants & Contracts Office, Faculty Affairs Committee, Academic Personnel Office, Policy Facilitation Team, Academic Senate, CSU Legal Counsel, CSU Labor Relations, California Faculty Association, Provost, and President