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Student Email Notification Policy

1.00 Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to formally establish electronic mail (email) as the primary and official means of communication from California State University, Monterey Bay to students.

All use of email will be consistent with local, state, and federal law, as well as other University policies, including the Acceptable Use of Computing and Technology Resources Policy and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

This policy is intended to reflect the University's commitment to the principles, goals, and ideals described in the CSU Monterey Bay Vision Statement and to its core values.

2.00 Definitions

CSUMB Official Email Account - is the email account with the University domain.

Official Communication - contains information that students must have in order to conduct business with CSU Monterey Bay and for which they will be held accountable. Examples of official communication can include, but are not limited to:

  • Student Records (including Admissions/Financial Aid/ Advising/Registrar)
  • Academic Program/Completion of degree sought
  • Attendance, conduct, safety or status within the University community
  • Knowledge of information mandated by federal, state or local laws
  • Faculty communication to students

Sensitive or Confidential Information - email is not a secure form of communication, thus confidentiality cannot be assured. Please refer to the CSUMB policy on Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act for more information.

3.00 University Use of Email

Email shall be considered the primary mechanism for delivering official communication by CSU Monterey Bay to students.

The University retains the right to send official communication via email to the official University email addresses of students with the full expectation that those communications will be received and read in a timely fashion.

Because certain communications may be time-sensitive, the University expects students to check their email on a frequent basis in order to stay current with University communications.

Students will not be held responsible for their ability to access an email message due to a University system-related problem that may prevent the timely delivery or access to the message (e.g., power outages, system viruses, etc.). Proper maintenance of email accounts should allow for uninterrupted email delivery. See section 3.40 of this policy for more detail.

3.10 Faculty Use of Email

Email shall be considered an appropriate mechanism for official communication by faculty with students. As such, faculty can require students to check their CSUMB email on a specific and/or regular schedule.

3.20 Student Use of Email

All students that have confirmed their enrollment by June 1st will be issued a CSUMB email account. Students will be notified by the Office of Admissions of their new CSUMB email account via a post card or email address they have provided on their admissions application.

Once a student receives a CSUMB email account, official communication from the University shall be directed to that account. Students are expected to check their CSUMB email account on a frequent and consistent basis.

Official communications sent to a student's official email account may include notification of University-related actions, including disciplinary actions; however, email shall not be the sole method for notification of any legal action.

Student email accounts shall remain active so long as the student is enrolled at CSU Monterey Bay or is on an approved leave of absence.

3.30 Transmittal of Sensitive or Confidential Information

Neither the University nor students should assume that email is private and confidential. Students should never use email to communicate confidential or sensitive information. To minimize risk, confidential information communicated by the University may be made available through an e-mail that directs the recipient to a secure website where sensitive information can safely be retrieved. The University will not ask for student passwords.

3.40 Forwarding Email

Students who choose to have their CSUMB email forwarded to a private, unofficial email address that is outside the university network address ( do so at their own risk. The University is not responsible for any difficulties that may occur in the proper or timely transmission or access of email forwarded to any unofficial email address.

4.00 Continuous Renewal

This policy shall be reviewed in ten years from its effective date to determine its effectiveness and appropriateness. This policy may be reviewed before that time as necessary.

s/ Eduardo M. Ochoa

Effective Date: 3/19/2014

Certification of Process

Reviewed by: Policy Facilitation Team, Enrollment Services and Student Affairs Leadership Team, Associated Students, Academic Affairs Council, Administration & Finance, University Development, Academic Senate Executive Committee, Educational Planning and Policy Committee, Academic Senate, and Provost.