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Pre-college Programs

College Fit: Finding the right institution

Campus Tours

There are many different types of college institutions for your student to pick from. To help narrow down the best fit for them, it is highly encouraged to take college visits in the years leading up to senior year. This can be in the form of virtual tours or in person tours and it also allows a chance to explore the town environment.

College Search

Since every student has their own idea of what they’d like to see on a college campus, using college search engines can facilitate families in navigating through hundreds of colleges based on areas of interest, preference and more. Doing this step together allows for open discussions about what is important to each of the parties involved and an opportunity to talk through concerns, fears, and doubts about life as a college student and everything that comes with it.

California Colleges helps in exploring the different college systems in the state. Students can search by major, location, price, size and narrow down a school of choice.

The CollegeBoard provides questionnaires where students can answer what is important to them in a college campus. Students can search by major, location, price and size as well.

Making the decision

Once your student becomes a senior, they will apply for all the colleges they are interested in attending. A few months later, those institutions will send out letters by mail or email to your student to let them know if they have been admitted. Once your student has heard back from all the institutions, they will have to choose which one to attend. They may need your assistance in weighing their options since finances and distance are typically a big factor in deciding where to go. Remember: They must make their decision by May 1st.

Understanding Admission: To help your student better understand the admissions process, visit Admissions Decisions from California Colleges.